Autumn growth golden period, Mengniu student milk nutrition help for health points

2022-09-22 14:03 0
Guangzhou, August 30, 2022 -- Quality-oriented education is still the focus of parents' attention in the second year of the "double reduction" policy, coinciding with the back-to-school season across the country. In the new semester, students not only need to pay attention to their own epidemic prevention and control, but also face the pressure of improving physical, mental, creative and other comprehensive abilities. Therefore, more and more parents realize the importance of children's nutrition intake, and how to ensure that teenagers in the golden growth stage of nutrition absorption to enhance immunity, resistance, and maintain efficient learning state, has become a matter of concern to thousands of parents.

Zhao Wenhua, a researcher from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, pointed out that drinking milk can help students to supplement their daily nutritional requirements, which can not only ensure adequate intake of high-quality protein, promote intellectual and skeletal development, improve immunity, improve physical fitness, but also supplement a variety of nutrients, so that students can improve learning efficiency, achieve physical and mental improvement.

However, at this stage, students' daily milk intake is still far below their daily nutritional requirements. According to Zhu Wenli, a member of the Expert Committee of China Student Nutrition and Health Promotion Association and professor of Peking University School of Public Health, on the interpretation of China's Dietary Guidelines for School-Age Children (2022), the actual intake of dairy products by students at the present stage is still not up to 1/4 of the national dietary nutrition recommendation. Therefore, The milk supplement for students in the new semester becomes particularly important for their healthy growth and happy study.

The healthy growth of teenagers affects the future of the country. In order to improve the nutritional status of teenagers, since 2000, seven national ministries and commissions, including the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Agriculture, have jointly launched the national "Milk Drinking Plan for Students". The plan requires students to supplement their daily nutritional needs by drinking student milk between classes during the school year.

Mengniu, as one of the first enterprises to obtain the designated production qualification of national students' drinking milk, strictly controls every link from production to distribution. Each cup of Mengniu student milk is from the national certification of exclusive high quality milk source base, from raw materials to finished products after 9 processes, 39 core process steps, 105 indicators monitoring, 8 days of insulation experiment, the whole production process is strictly implemented HACCP and other international certification of modern food safety management system, strict security.

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Now, while ensuring the quality and safety of Mengniu student milk, the daily supply of milk has covered 7 million students, nourishing generations of Chinese youth. In the future, Mengniu will continue to adhere to the corporate mission vision of "nourishing thousands of families and being the lifelong health guardian of children", help more parents choose healthy and safe milk for their children, and help more primary and middle school students go to the future of golden growth.

Source: Corporate press release
Keywords: Mengniu
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