Whale Strategy was included in the list of Hangzhou High-tech Research and Development Center in 2022

2022-08-19 11:02 0
On August 11, Hangzhou Science and Technology Bureau announced the list of Hangzhou enterprises' high-tech research and development centers in 2022. Whale Strategy's construction plan of "New Retail artificial Intelligence Enterprise High-tech Research and Development Center" has been unanimously recognized as meeting the requirements for the construction of research and development center by Hangzhou Science and Technology Bureau expert review and field investigation, and has been successfully selected into the list.

The list is based on the Administrative Measures of Hangzhou Enterprise High-tech Research and Development Center (Hangke High [2022] No. 39), aiming to further strengthen the construction of Hangzhou enterprise high-tech research and development Center, further implement the innovation-driven development strategy, accelerate the construction of technology innovation system, increase R&D investment, accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, Promote technological progress of enterprises and improve their core competitiveness.


Promote the digital transformation of the industry

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This time was identified as the Hangzhou Enterprise high-tech Research and Development Center, It is the affirmation by the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau of Whale Masterly research and development strength of digital technology in the field of new retail and new consumption in the past five years. It also shows that Whale Masterly, as a leading global digital marketing operation platform, adheres to the enterprise mission of "making brands understand customers better" in the long-term research and development practice. With "AI + IoT + Data" as the key technology driving force, as well as its strong empowering brand digital development firm goal.

At the same time, it also marks that Whale strategy, as a leading global digital marketing operation platform, has achieved significant improvement in its independent innovation ability of digital technology in the "14th Five-Year Plan" period through its five "bases" -- resource integration and sharing ability, market foundation, technological achievement transformation foundation, capital foundation and project foundation. Create scientific and technological potential, seize new opportunities for digital development, and promote industrial digital transformation.

Embrace the wave of digital economy by marketing digitalization

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Digital marketing is the practitioner of digital economy, And a pioneer of the digital economy. The essence of digital marketing is to drive the efficient operation of marketing activities by "big data". Under the trend of brand offline stores gradually upgrading to digital and intelligent operation, online and offline data link, enterprise internal and external data get through, public domain drainage private domain operation, and so on, are becoming the basic form of enterprise operation.

Brand marketing becomes "thousands of faces", social media marketing focuses on "monitoring and analysis", content marketing innovation "intelligent distribution", in the face of increasingly complex data accumulation, through better data management platform and tools to improve marketing efficiency and deepen user insight has become the consensus of the industry. The processing of user data by enterprises has shifted from simple collection, statistics and comparison to more in-depth analysis and management. Marketing digitization has become the deepest field of enterprise digitization, and also become the pioneer and compass of enterprise digitization.

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In the future, Whale strategy will continue to lead the continuous transformation of digital marketing to intelligent digital marketing with leading artificial intelligence and big data technology, accelerate the improvement of independent innovation ability, achieve better technology implementation and commercial exploration ability, and contribute to the promotion of the "14th Five-Year Plan" stage of industrial digital transformation!

Source: Corporate press release
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