Whale Technology: low code, talk about the practice before the change

2022-09-21 14:09 0

/ Aswen News/August 30, 2022 Guangzhou - With the development of a new generation of IT technologies, value innovation has strongly supported the digital transformation of the industry. To maximize the power of new technologies, improve market responsiveness and development agility, "low code" was created to reshape digital R&D productivity.

According to the latest research report of iResearch Consulting, the market scale of China's low code industry has reached 2.75 billion. As an innovative way of application realization, under the catalysis of the epidemic environment, low code that is more flexible, agile and easy to use shines, and is expected to always be located in the fast lane of rapid growth in the next 4 years.

Relying on nearly 20 years of digital precipitation and industry insight, from a large number of practical experience to support the operator business, whale Technology has explored its own low code road. Liu Hongwen, general manager of low code product line of Whale Science and Technology, believes that low code is the strengthening and extension of traditional development methods. With the increasing maturity of low code technology, the application scenario will gradually deepen to all walks of life. With the help of low code automation and intelligent technology, the establishment of standardized development tool system will accelerate the evolution of software architecture, development mode, efficiency and other aspects, and have far-reaching influence.

Under the tide of digitalization, as a high-profile technology track in recent years, how to look at the low code, how it will develop in the future, where to go, Liu Hongwen of whale technology for low code brought changes and challenges to share.

The "change" of low code

The change of software architecture

< P >< P > The industry has always had a simple and simple recognition of the high extension architecture: From requirements down, feature development to release, the entire process of application architecture and code basically need not change, which is the current understanding of many people low code.

The reality of the ever-changing needs, the pursuit of high extension architecture goal has never changed, extremely flexible software architecture, leisurely response to business changes, meet various feature requirements, the organic combination of high extension + low code may become the most favored solution. High extension forces the core business domain service abstraction and openness downward, and allows the feature requirements to be customized and integrated faster upward. The agile feature of low code technology has natural advantages, which can enhance the high extension architecture, but also ensure the underlying architecture is more stable, and promote the software architecture to continue to evolve in a more adaptable direction.

[High/low/zero integrated development mode is the mainstream in the future]

The traditional software development process needs to be based on the difficulty of demand, functional stability, technical requirements, participation roles and other tasks, even if a technology realizes leapfrog development, Nor can it meet the needs of diverse businesses. With the gradual recognition and popularity of low code, through the flexible combination of high/low/zero multi development capabilities, break the boundary of the mode, the development mode from the traditional simple collocation to the deep integration of development services. From "resource type" to "task type", further real-time perception of the needs of developers, to provide developers with integrated, intelligent, minimalist development services, so that the development mode is like a car driving can switch in the dual mode of oil and electricity, the future mainstream of the development mode will be high/low/zero multi-mode.

Traditional software development is a production mode of pipeline, which requires the participation and delivery of different roles and tools, and the process is fragmented and inefficient. Under the guidance of "design is development", "demand is development", "development is testing" and "test is development", the low code can open up the whole R&D link from demand - design - development - test - online, simplify the development process and improve the overall development efficiency through the collaborative R&D mode of personnel collaboration, process collaboration, product collaboration and management collaboration on the cloud.

< P >< P >< P >< P > Traditional hard coding development form is single, the code logical rationality requirements are strong, and low code development more emphasis on the comprehensive use of packaging components, Focus on people's intuitive feelings, the interaction between components and components, visualization, graphics, assembly let developers see is what they get. Low code allows the language to have more fresh elements, variety of forms, and multi-dimensional perspectives, but it does not mean that it completely replaces traditional hard coding. The new development method must be based on the same set of system, integrate various elements, and provide different development planes for different industries, different scenes and different roles.

< P >< P > It is the low code that significantly lowers the threshold of development, so that more people can participate in software development, further expand the scale of developers, and accelerate the construction of digital applications. On the one hand, IT enables IT technicians, who master basic software development technology or business knowledge, to quickly transform into low-code developers through simple learning, and realize the leapfrog between business experts and technical experts. On the other hand, for business personnel, the threshold of software development is reduced, and application scenarios can be quickly built according to their own or departmental needs. Finally, with the help of low code, the integration of posts and the diversification of technical capabilities of posts can be realized to realize the full stack development. Reduce ineffective communication within the enterprise, stimulate efficiency and innovation vitality, to enhance the competitiveness of individuals or enterprises are of great help.

[Give full play to advantages to precipitate business, technology and data assets to form depth]

Low code is a kind of abstraction and extraction technology, which has a congenital advantage in asset precipitation. Under the unified open system and standard framework, it can be applied to build more standard, and the data is more liquid. Asset deposits will be easier and faster. The more applications are built, the more business assets are enriched. As technology is constantly updated and iterated, component assets will increase accordingly. A large number of individuals or organizations contribute to form a technology ecosystem. For the long tail business needs of thousands of lines, low code allows more forces to intervene, through a simple way to achieve rapid production and replication. Single bits and pieces of data produce little value, but aggregated data is of great value.

The emergence of low code brings a leap in the way of development, and becomes a powerful booster of industry digitalization. However, in order to achieve end-to-end breakthrough in overall efficiency and quality and achieve "qualitative change", it is also necessary to create the most suitable mode under the integration of business and technology.

We believe that it is not easy to build an efficient, mature, stable, easy to use and distinctive low code platform. In addition to investing a lot of money and professional and technical personnel, it also needs a lot of actual scene verification. Both platform construction and implementation will face many and complex challenges, such as:

1. At the technical level, low code technology itself is still being improved and strengthened, and there are obvious limitations at present; The integration with the existing system, architecture and technology is not mature; Heterogeneous technologies and heterogeneous vendors are difficult to connect;

2. On the experience level, visual and interactive designers have high requirements; The ease of use and intelligence of development tools need to be further polished and improved;

3. On the cognitive level, the inconsistency of ideas and concepts; Learning willingness is not strong, habits are difficult to change; Insufficient driving force of construction;

4. In terms of time, it takes a long time to accumulate assets and verify application scenarios;

5. At the system level, personnel training system, standard system and operation and promotion system have not been established; The relationship with the existing development process and system is not clearly defined;

Self-developed high availability platform

Enabling research and development efficiency improvement

< P > In order to achieve the goal of "improving development efficiency, improving software quality, reducing development threshold, reducing research and development cost", whale Technology has always actively invested in platform research and development and verification work, relying on its own software research and development and delivery experience, Self-developed low-code development platform -- Lingxi development platform, has mastered a number of core technologies and obtained national invention patent authorization. In the past year, the platform has been successfully tested in more than 10 carrier provinces such as China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom. It has been tested in a large number of scenarios in more than 30 practical projects, covering various complex business scenarios in the BOM domain of operators. The platform is mature, stable and reliable, and its efficiency and quality have been significantly improved.

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Entering the era of digital 2.0, low code with many advantages such as flexibility and easy use has become a new generation of infrastructure at the research and development level, is an important choice for enterprises to layout digital strategy, accelerate the realization of business innovation. In the future, Whale Science and Technology will continue to strengthen the ability of independent innovation, actively explore the innovation model suitable for its own business and technology, enabling enterprises to transform quickly and efficiently.

Source: Corporate press release
Keywords: Whale technology
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