Whale Strategy was included in the list of Hangzhou High-tech Research and Development Center in 2022

Hangzhou Science and Technology Bureau announced the list of high-tech research and development centers for enterprises in Hangzhou in 2022 on Aug 11. Whale Strategy's construction plan of "New retail artificial Intelligence Enterprise high-tech Research and development Center" has been unanimously recognized by Hangzhou Science and Technology Bureau after expert review and field investigation

2022-08-19 11:02 592

Whale Mastermind has been selected as one of Microsoft's accelerated retail innovation camp TECH TaGS

Recently, by Microsoft artificial intelligence and Internet of Things laboratory (hereinafter referred to as the "laboratory") launched, to use Microsoft frontier AI and IoT technology to accelerate all kinds of innovative solutions as the goal of retail innovation accelerated camp TECH TAGS has completed the preliminary recruitment, and officially started incubation meter

2022-08-16 17:28 1163

Theory of steady operation not close | a good service provider of self-improvement

The fluctuating epidemic turned around in the early spring of this year, once again causing a huge wave impact on the domestic retail industry, and once again bringing great challenges to brands and service providers. For major brand merchants, the overall business growth declines, the traffic drops sharply, and the overall offline digital strategy process slows down or even stops.

2022-06-29 14:02