Going to mountains and seas for love, Junlebao helps Qinhuangdao Marathon heat run

2024-05-16 17:34 0

/PRZWT/Qinhuangdao is located on the coast of the Bohai Sea and is one of the important seaport cities in northern China. In recent years, Qinhuangdao City has actively explored the deep integration of "culture + sports + tourism", developed "hot" characteristic culture, "live" sports events, and "fire" tourism market, and actively promoted the high-quality development of the cultural and sports tourism industry.

As the only prefecture-level city in China that has co-hosted the Olympic Games and the Asian Games, Qinhuangdao's unique and strong sports cultural atmosphere nourishes the enthusiasm of the citizens to love sports and help the event, and also inspires Junlebao to actively participate in the development of sports in the province and promote the national sports boom. The preparation period of the event coincides with the May Day International Labor Day. In order to allow the majority of tourists and participants to enjoy the event and enjoy the mountains and seas, Junlebao actively participated in the supporting cultural and tourism activities of Qinhuangdao, and continuously sponsored the "Voice of Mountains and Seas" theme concert, which created a wonderful tour experience for tourists and marathon participants. In addition, Junlebao also built event-themed beauty Chen in scenic spots such as Qiuxian and Tiger Stone for tourists to take pictures at the clock in. Junlebao not only provides high-quality dairy products for the public, but also is committed to making positive contributions to the development of Qinhuangdao's culture, tourism and sports.

Fuel the port city and help marathon runners move forward bravely

Chasing the blue of dreams and heading to the mountains and seas, the Qinhuangdao Marathon is a must-run event in the eyes of every runner. Since its inception in 2014, the Qinhuangdao Marathon has been recognized as an A1 gold medal event by the Chinese Athletics Association since 2016. In 2023, it was named a typical case of the road running event of the Chinese Athletics Association - a sustainable development event, which has become a unique city card of Qinhuangdao. The Qinma Circuit covers many landscape landmarks. Starting from the Olympic Sports Center Stadium, it passes Binhai Avenue, Pigeon's Nest Park, Biluo Tower Park, and Beidaihe Scenic Area along the way. Marathon runners run step by step, running freely in the changing scenery, fully feeling the integration and collision of sports charm and beautiful nature.

This year is the fourth year of Junlebao's "hand in hand" Qinhuangdao Marathon. As a unique title merchant, Junlebao has not only set up a number of "scientific nutrition supplement stations" along the track to provide runners with star products such as Yue Fresh, Simple Alcohol, and Pure Enjoy, but also put the largest 760ml bottle of simple alcohol yogurt in the per capita entry bag to express its sincerity and nutritional care for the runners. At the "PB Slope" and "Haohan Slope" in Qinma, Junlebao specially added a refueling atmosphere point, creating an exclusive "Screaming Tunnel" in Qinma. Citizens and friends also flocked to the streets to spontaneously form a refueling atmosphere area, injecting unlimited power into running.

Scientific nutrition to help people upgrade their health

Junlebao is an enterprise with "marathon gene". It not only integrates the marathon spirit into the business operation and development, but also supports and participates in marathon events in a hands-on way, and truly practices Junlebao's brand value proposition of "Scientific Nutrition, Fresh Power". So far, Junlebao has sponsored more than 50 marathon events in Shijiazhuang, Baoding and other places, and the "Junlebao Running Group" has become the most eye-catching scenery in each race. This time, the "Scientific Nutrition Running Group" composed of 160 Junlebao employees ran among them, sprinting and challenging themselves on the coastline of Bihai Jinsha.

Under the leadership of Wei Lihua, an international marathon six-star runner and chairperson and president of Junlebao Dairy Group, the marathon spirit has been internalized into Junlebao's "dare to think, dare to do, and persevere" corporate spirit. Over the years, Junlebao has been running at high speed on the road of high-quality development of the dairy industry, deeply integrating cutting-edge science and technology with the entire milk industry chain, and providing accurate health upgrade solutions for people of all ages with scientific nutrition. Many of Junlebao's products have also achieved outstanding market results: third-party data shows that Junlebao's simple alcohol yogurt is the first brand of 0-added cane sugar yogurt, Yue Fresh Milk is the first brand of high-end bottled fresh milk, and Junlebao milk powder production and sales lead.

With the vision of "becoming a leader in China's nutritious and healthy food enterprises", Junlebao will not forget its original intention and persevere, and make greater contributions to the development of China's sports industry and the upgrade of Chinese people's nutrition and health.

Source: Corporate press release
Keywords: Junlebao Marathon
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