Debut is the dark horse, wine net and alcohol meet group together for the fishing tai family

2022-08-05 18:26 0

/ Morning News/August 05, 2022 GUANGZHOU - According to the "China liquor industry market prospects and investment opportunities research report" data shows that in 2021, the national Maotai-flavor liquor output in the national liquor production accounted for about 9%, the revenue accounted for about 26%, the profit accounted for more than 40%, compared with last year, the three have increased. It is not difficult to see from the data, even to the sauce and wine center, many capital has withdrawn from the situation, sauce and wine fever is still heating up. In view of this situation, some experts predict that after experiencing the "market chaos", the sauce wine industry will enter a new stage of development, called the "national sauce flavor era".

The era of national sauce flavor, as the name implies, is the future sauce wine industry to follow the line of mass consumption. In the past, the sauce and wine industry has experienced high-end periods of high prices, and also experienced chaotic periods of low price sauce and wine into the market, but these two periods are a little extreme, and finally, the sauce and wine industry needs to return to the public, to meet the line of mass consumption. And in the path of mass consumption, by the wine network and alcohol meet group together to create the national sauce flavor brand - Angtai family, it can be said that the dark horse debut, once launched, in the sauce wine market has shown good strength.

< p> Strategy Based on the public sauce wine market

Angtai family can enter the sauce wine market for the first time, has achieved considerable results, which is attributed to its decision to adhere to the brand competition strategy. According to the 2021 Chinese liquor market data report, in the mass sauce wine market, consumers will gradually transition from brand trust to brand dependence. Therefore, from the beginning of the brand establishment, Angtai Family has been deeply trusted by consumers with its mellow wine, unique technology, exquisite packaging and affordable price. On the basis of the establishment of brand trust, it provides intimate service and rapid supply, and finally forms consumers' brand dependence and becomes a rising star in the public sauce wine market.

Jiuxiang Net builds momentum for Angtai family

In addition to its loud brand reputation, the success of Angtai family also owes to the strong influence of Jiuxiang Net. As a well-known comprehensive commodity service platform in China, Jiuxiang is mainly engaged in the general agent distribution, offline chain, platform opening, mobile e-commerce and other businesses of alcohol and cross-border commodities. With years of experience in alcohol e-commerce, Jiuxiang has formed a mature cross-border alcohol sales channel and display platform. Jiuxiang network not only provides a strong e-commerce platform for Angtai family, but also helps Angtai family expand the cognitive category of end consumers. To create the magnificent pattern of "Internet +" of Angtai family, lay a solid new business ecological foundation.

In addition to owning the powerful display platform of Jiuxiang Net, Angtai Family also relies on the supply chain system of Yuanyuan Group to obtain fast, efficient and accurate support of the back end of supply in the process of product transportation. As an enterprise specializing in supply chain management services, in order to open up the production and sales circulation links of Diaotai family, the group connects procurement, storage management, workflow management, sales, quality control and customer relationship management, especially the upstream and downstream industrial chains of production and sales, forming an overall network pattern. The purpose is to cover Angtai family in the public sauce wine market in a grid shape, improve the supply and service level, so as to solve its terminal sales worries.

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In the sincere cooperation between Alcohol Yu Group and, by virtue of the combination of the two strong, using the cross-border display platform with rich history and systematic supply chain mode, Angtai Family realizes the brand effect of one plus one greater than two in the public sauce wine market as a new brand identity. In the golden period of sauce and wine industry, relying on the core competitiveness of the established high-quality brand, creating a unique brand belonging to the family of Angtai depends on influence.

Source: Corporate press release
Keywords: Angtai family
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