Southern Metropolis Daily released 2017 financial consumption survey report, Yisheng financial stability leads the home improvement stage

2017-03-16 10:30 0

On March 15, 2017, under the guidance of Guangdong Banking Regulatory Bureau, Guangdong Insurance Regulatory Bureau and Guangzhou Financial Bureau, the Consumer Finance Research Institute of Southern Metropolis Daily released "2017 Consumer Finance Industry Report" and "Consumer Finance Ranking". The list is based on the six dimensions of "trading volume, platform scale, rate, audit efficiency, maximum quota and reputation" of consumer financial institutions, and is presented in the way of quantitative score and star rating.

"The authenticity of scenarios and consumption determines how far financial institutions can go in this industry." At the conference for the release of the 2017 Consumer Finance Industry Report by Southern Metropolis Daily, Vice President of Yisheng Finance, Zhi Fu, shared the Yisheng experience in the consumer finance industry to the present financial regulators and media.


Yrisheng Finance has been deeply engaged in the consumption scene, and its industry-leading development has attracted the attention of the media present. When asked by reporters about development ideas for Yisheng Finance, Fan Zhi said, in order to develop consumer finance, we need to do a good job in serving consumers on the one hand, and control risks well on the other hand. We must deal with the three-way relationship among platform, customers and merchants. Yisheng goes deep into the field of home decoration, creatively integrates original personal credit data according to the family's formation, development and change rules, so that the risk control model can serve Chinese families more "intelligently and reliably". At present, all aspects of our data show that the business has been ahead of the industry level.

It is reported that "2017 Financial Consumption Survey report" is the first in China under the guidance of three major financial regulators, well-known media together with five industry associations released a heavy market research report. The report effectively collected 3,167 questionnaires on the inclusive level of Rongjia consumers, and comprehensively presented the current situation of consumer finance market based on the data of 8 million registered users of Rongjia, a professional organization.

It is scheduled to be launched on the same day of March 15th. It is against the background of the rapid development of consumer finance that problems such as loan fraud by intermediaries, naked slip-on, excessive profit collection and disguised usury have emerged, so as to provide basis for financial institutions and protect the rights and interests of consumers.

Source: Corporate press release
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