Star-studded, glory blooms! The Lanju Youth Honor Ceremony ended on a high note!

2024-08-30 17:38 0

/PRZWT/August 28, 2024 Beijing - PART01 Y2Y Brand Youth Festival

The Y2Y Brand Youth Festival with the theme of "Brand Winner, Insight into the Future" was grandly held at Beijing Broadcasting Building from August 23rd to 25th! Lanju Daily Chemical Group, as an important strategic partner, was invited to attend this event and participate in creative activities such as brand sharing, youth ceremony, ADMEN International Awards, and joint interviews with mainstream media. It exchanged and interacted with professionals, media representatives, scholars, teachers, and youth groups in the field of advertising, creativity, and branding, and gathered together to lead the future!

PART02 Brand Sharing

At the site of the 2024 Youth Festival, Mr. Li Xingtang, Deputy General Manager of the Marketing Department of Lanju Daily Chemical Group, delivered a keynote speech "Lanju's Road to Brand Rejuvenation", taking the 42-year-old domestic brand's continuous innovation and development as an entry point, sharing Lanju's brand rejuvenation measures, building brand value methods, demonstrating the brand's attention and support to the youth market, and establishing the brand's image and recognition in the eyes of young people! At the same time, Mr. Li Xingtang, Deputy General Manager of the Marketing Department of Lanju Daily Chemical Group, also fully affirmed the results of youth co-creation! This year, Lanju's first proposition category "Classic Revisiting Imitation" rediscovered the dissemination value of Lanju's classic tvc commercials, which was well received by teachers and students. At the same time, Lanju College Student Live Contest and Youth Creative Communication Contest have both harvested 800 million + traffic. In the five years of cooperation between Lanju and Creative Planet, we have continued to deepen the young user market and harvested many extraordinary ideas, helping domestic classic brands to glow with more vigorous vitality and exuberant vitality!

PART03 Youth Honor Ceremony

With the progress of the Youth Festival, the major awards for Lanju's proposition were also announced. Corporate representatives, industry experts, and college teachers and students gathered at the scene to jointly witness the glorious moment of creativity and dreams! In the 2024 Spring Creative Solicitation Contest, Lanju set up double themes "Lanju, protect your youthful blood", "Have Lanju, unbridled dreams", inviting college students to create brands with a more youthful, inclusive, and innovative attitude! In this year's event, Lanju harvested a total of 18,000 + sets of creative masterpieces in all proposition categories, and once again refreshed its own total number of works in a single season, better linking young consumer groups, and achieving brand rejuvenation and upgrading! At the ceremony, Mr. Ke Sheng, the president of Shanghai Film Art Vocational College, read out the final results, and together with the Radio and Television Industry Development Committee of the China Federation of Radio and Television Social Organizations, Ms. Su Gege, the executive deputy secretary-general and office director, presented honors to the winning students.

The much-anticipated "Lanju Effectiveness and Creativity Award" was also officially announced at this ceremony! After being jointly selected by famous teachers from top universities, big coffee in the creative industry, representatives of enterprises, and Lanju Campus Ambassador "Mosquito", the outstanding works that best meet the practical needs of the Lanju brand were evaluated. This year's "Lanju Effectiveness and Creativity Award" has a total bonus of 99,999 yuan, RMB, and a special 29,999 yuan has been set up. The Lanju Effectiveness and Creativity Award encourages young students to create Lanju's effective works together! The establishment and development of the Lanju Effectiveness and Creativity Award continues to provide young students with one more opportunity to demonstrate their creative ability, and help Lanju explore and cultivate new young talents in the industry. At the same time, we also encourage more young students to focus on the practicality and effectiveness of creativity when creating, and inject new vitality and motivation into the advertising and creative fields! At the event site, Ms. Dang Haiyan, Executive Director of Yangying (Beijing) Media Co., Ltd., announced the final results, and together with Ms. Hu Zhenyu, Deputy Dean of the School of Journalism and Communication of Tianjin Normal University, presented the creative team with honors.

"Lanju Effectiveness Creative Award", as the highest honor of Lanju Effectiveness Creative Award, has attracted much attention from the audience! Mr. Li Xingtang, Deputy General Manager of Marketing Department of Lanju Daily Chemical Group, read out this anticipated result on the spot and awarded honors to the creative team.

In this spring solicitation competition, Lanju also launched the "Youth Creative Communication Competition", setting up Xiaohongshu, Douyin, and Creative Planet, three major tracks, creating a new path for youth market exploration, opening up a marketing path from creativity to communication, and continuously upgrading the Lanju brand communication effect! At the scene, Mr. Zhang Zhu, chairperson of Youyi Culture Technology Group Co., Ltd., announced the final results and awarded honors to the creative team.

PART04 peak competition

The "Grand Prize" is the highest honor of the creative solicitation competition, and it has attracted the attention and expectation of creative students. It is not only a glorious coronation of outstanding works of young people, but also a wind vane for the future creative development of enterprises and industries. This year, the gold award work "Witness strength is not needed, applause" successfully sprinted to the finals with exquisite creativity and rich connotation! And the creative students made wonderful proposals at the youth festival.

The work "Witness the strength without applause" uses the image of applause to highlight the "natural strength" of Lanju as a domestic brand, expresses the attitude and values of young people, and conveys the brand perception of Lanju's warm heart to accompany, deepens the emotional resonance with young consumers, and fits the young concept, professionalism and humanistic sense of Lanju brand.

In addition, the author provided a comprehensive and detailed answer to the market background, as well as the creative inspiration and content of the work, which won the high recognition and encouragement of the business representatives and the two review chairpeople.

PART05 Top Ten Case Awards

ADMEN International Awards is an international award focusing on the global media industry, cultural and creative industries. The award was launched in 2003 and has witnessed the innovation and development of China's advertising industry over the years. It has attracted much attention in the industry and is known as the "Oscar" in the advertising industry. This year, the "2024 Lanju Classic Series Advertising Upgrade Integrated Marketing Project" jointly created by Lanju Daily Chemical Group and Guangzhou Gaoqin Advertising Co., Ltd. won the top ten cases in the ADMEN International Awards · Integrated Marketing category!

PART06 Brand Interview

During the three-day event, Y2Y Brand Youth Festival and Creative Planet Youth Festival attracted the attention and coverage of many mainstream media. Lanju was invited to participate in the joint interview of the top ten media, which increased the brand's exposure and expanded its brand reputation and influence.

In an interview, Mr. Li Xingtang, deputy general manager of the marketing department of Lanju Daily Chemical Group, said: "Lanju's brand rejuvenation is not only to spread the brand value of Lanju to students, but also to let Chinese people remember their national brand. Lanju continues to absorb young creativity on the road of brand rejuvenation, and will also apply young creativity in the future. The brand will select products suitable for enterprise production and works that can be disseminated from the large number of works collected, and negotiate with students for further processing, so as not to waste good ideas and live up to every effort."

Protect the blood of youth and help pursue dreams wantonly! This three-day creative event ended perfectly! The Y2Y Brand Youth Festival is the interactive collision between the brand and the creative thinking of young people, and is the key to the brand's continued vitality! As a classic domestic brand, Lanju has always relied on innovative thinking to continuously launch young content, build a diversified communication matrix, in-depth dialogue with young students, and create a creative stage for young people to display their talents, so that they can truly participate in the brand marketing work.

In the future, the Lanju brand will continue to practice the corporate mission of "Healthy Life, Lanju Accompanying" with practical actions, adhere to innovation-driven and industrial upgrading, and continue to explore and move forward on the road of brand rejuvenation, helping young people work hard and pursue their dreams wantonly!

Source: Corporate press release
Keywords: You
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