Intangible Cultural Heritage food, firewood stove roast duck, a century of ingenuity has created Chongqing food business card

2024-07-12 16:54 0

/PRZWT/Chongqing, July 12, 2024 - In the Sichuan-Chongqing region, the food culture has a long history. Among them, Shouchailu Roast Duck, as one of the authentic Chongqing delicacies, started from a small shop to now has more than 500 stores. From its roots in Chongqing to its national layout, to its cross-border business expansion, it cannot do without its innovative food form of "Beijing Roast Duck + Sichuan-Chongqing Soaking Hot Pot". This ingenious fusion is not only the inheritance and development of the long-standing food culture in Sichuan and Chongqing, but also allows diners to appreciate the wonderful blend of northern and southern flavors on the tip of their tongues, injecting new vitality into the catering industry in Chongqing. Today, Shouchailu Roast Duck has become a model in the food industry, demonstrating the infinite possibilities of Sichuan and Chongqing cuisine with its unique charm and taste.

The birth of the Shouchailu roast duck brand can be traced back to 1995, which originated from the founder's deep understanding and innovative exploration of Chongqing's food culture. On the basis of inheriting the century-old roast duck skills, the founder of Shouchailu drew on the traditional Beijing roast duck fruit hanging roasting process, and skillfully integrated the special food of Sichuan and Chongqing - hot pot, opening a new chapter of food "Beijing roast duck + Sichuan and Chongqing bubble-flavored hot pot". The Shouchailu roast duck brand came into being. Once the brand's first store opened, it quickly conquered the picky taste buds of Chongqing diners with its unique taste and innovative way of eating, and attracted countless foreign tourists, becoming a food business card in Chongqing.

The initial success of Shouchailu's roast duck store did not make the founder eager to pursue scale expansion. On the contrary, he chose to make "efforts" in the tempering of production skills, the optimization of product taste and the improvement of service quality, etc., to comprehensively enhance the core competitiveness of the brand. After 16 years of hard work and precipitation, in 2011, Chongqing Shouchailu Catering Co., Ltd. was officially established, officially opening the pace of national layout. In order to ensure the freshness and quality of raw materials, Shouchailu also established a 3,500 mu planting, breeding and raw material base in the suburbs of Chongqing, laying a solid foundation for the sustainable development of the brand, and at the same time creating dozens of local jobs, injecting new vitality into the revitalization of the surrounding villages of Chongqing.

In 2017, Shouchailu Roast Duck was officially certified as a "Chongqing Time-honored Brand". This honor is not only an affirmation of the quality of Shouchailu Roast Duck, but also a high recognition of its contribution to inheriting and developing Chongqing's food culture. In 2021, Shouchailu Roast Duck once again ushered in an important moment. Its traditional production skills were officially recognized as "intangible cultural heritage", which further enhanced the brand's popularity and influence, and also injected more profound cultural heritage into Shouchailu Roast Duck.

Entering 2023, Shouchailu Roast Duck has taken a solid step on the road of diversified development. Shouchailu · Zhenxuan · Fusion Restaurant came into being. The launch of this new model not only enriched the product line of Shouchailu Roast Duck, but also brought a more diverse dining experience to consumers. At present, the number of Shouchailu Roast Duck stores across the country has exceeded 500, becoming a leader in the domestic roast duck industry. Many consumers say that Shouchailu Roast Duck not only tastes delicious, but also is a culturally significant food, allowing people to taste the food while also feeling the unique charm of Chongqing.

Looking back at the development history of Shouchailu Roast Duck, the brand has always adhered to the principle of putting consumers at the core, deeply excavated the traditional food culture of Chongqing, and combined with the taste needs of modern people, carefully created a series of delicacies that are very popular in the market. In addition, Shouchailu Roast Duck also attaches great importance to branding. Through measures such as building a production base, inheriting and innovating intangible cultural heritage techniques, it has effectively enhanced the brand's popularity and reputation, and solidified its position in the highly competitive food market.

I believe that in the future, Shouchailu Roast Duck will continue to adhere to the concept of paying equal attention to tradition and innovation, and continue to develop new products to bring more delicious dishes to consumers. At the same time, the brand will also actively expand its market layout, so that Shouchailu Roast Duck, a Chongqing food business card, can go out of the country and onto the world stage, allowing more people to taste the delicacy and charm of Chongqing.

Source: Corporate press release
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