Focusing on the joining of water paint custom cabinets, the whole customization of Baidesheng water paint 2024 Guangzhou Construction Expo will take advantage of the trend

2024-07-01 17:47 0

/PRZWT/Guangzhou, July 01, 2024 - Yangcheng in midsummer is full of enthusiasm. On July 8-11, the 26th China Construction Expo (Guangzhou) will open soon! As the leader of the list of brands joining the water paint custom cabinet, the whole customization of Yatesheng Water Paint will showcase the beauty of its art and craftsmanship to the world with a magnificent exhibition hall of 647 square meters. At that time, Yatesheng will launch the world's first water paint metamorphosis wood leather cabinet wall door series and new products of Kangyang bedroom, and release the water-based coating home innovation trend report. We sincerely invite people with lofty ideals to open a new chapter in the water paint custom home!

The cultural theme of this exhibition hall is "seeing the way through water". This concept originates from Lao Tzu's philosophical thinking on water in the Tao Te Ching. Water, as soft as it is rigid, symbolizes the essence of elegant life and the wisdom of life of ancient literati and writers. Drawing inspiration from the seven qualities of water, the whole customization of Yatsho Water Paint is ingeniously integrated into the product and space design. With the help of the fluidity, inclusiveness and purity of water, it vividly interprets the agile beauty and harmonious rhyme of home space, and carefully constructs the seven theme spaces of Yatsho Exhibition Hall.

It is understood that the 2024 Guangzhou Construction Expo will debut the 13.2 light haute couture · Painting Customization Hall, providing a platform for exposure and display for excellent painting enterprises and brands. At this event, the whole customization of BYDERSON water paint will fully display important breakthroughs in water paint materials, process technology and product innovation, and grandly launch a new water paint meta-state veneer product series.

The new product of BYTEX Level 5 color fastness water paint veneer, the Yuan State Life series, cleverly integrates multiple design styles, which not only absorbs the exquisite beauty of Western architecture, but also soaks in the agility of Oriental ink. The tea room space is designed with "Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" as the blueprint, and the green and green color scheme and log tones complement each other, as if leading people to shuttle through the beautiful landscape paintings and deeply experience the essence of tea ceremony and the profound meaning of Oriental Zen.

The bedroom cloakroom adopts the Oriental wabi-**** style, with simple lines, elegant red leather, and natural wood-colored water-lacquered veneer, creating a quiet and warm bedroom environment, making people feel the warmth of home in comfort and harmony.

At the same time, the whole customization of Yatesheng Water Paint will bring new products of Kangyang Bedroom, introduce fresh air and clean black technology, and create a home space that heals the body and mind through multi-dimensional sensory experiences such as plants, scents, touches, and colors. At the same time, Yatesheng also uses cross-border innovation to apply Germagic's patented technology of slow-release long-term sterilization to effectively remove PM2.5, bacterial viruses, formaldehyde, TVOC and other pollutants, carefully protect the health of family members, and allow occupants to enjoy breathing freely.

According to statistics, in the US home furnishing market, painted products have occupied up to 40% of the share, while the Chinese painted home furnishing market started late, currently accounting for only 15% of the share, but its huge market potential should not be underestimated. BYDSES has been deeply involved in the customization field of water paint, and has successfully opened up a new market track for painting (water paint) with its differentiation strategy. In recent years, BYDSES has always focused on product research and development and innovation, and has also worked with the Wood Institute of the Chinese Academy of Forestry to promote the formulation of water paint industry group standards, and has won a number of environmental protection demonstration honors, leading the industry to higher standards.

What is particularly worth looking forward to is that on the morning of July 9, the second main track of customization - the conference on the innovation trend of water-based paint metamorphosis veneer and water-based coating home will be grandly unveiled in Hall 13.2. At that time, many industry experts will come together to analyze the technical mysteries of water-based paint metamorphosis veneer, and share the future trend and prediction of the water-based coating industry. Exciting, not to be missed!

The wind is rising at the end of Qingping, and the sound of thunder has been brewing in silence. The whole customization of BYTEX Water Paint is taking advantage of the trend and looking forward to opening a new chapter of high-quality development with industry colleagues. From July 8th to 11th, 2024, the 26th China Construction Expo (Guangzhou) will be grandly held in Area B of the Canton Fair Exhibition Hall. BYTEX is waiting for you at the 13.2-02 booth!

Source: Corporate press release
Keywords: water Construction
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