Eida Smart 2022H1 had a revenue of 610 million yuan and a net profit of 111 million yuan, both of which increased by more than 21%

2022-09-19 17:20 0

/ Aswen News/August 31, 2022 Guangzhou -- On the evening of August 25, Eida Intelligence released its semi-annual report for 2022.

Report shows that in the first half of 2022, the operating revenue of Eida Intelligent reached 610 million yuan, a year-on-year growth of 21.81%; Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies reached 111 million yuan, up 21.34% year on year; Basic earnings per share was 1.04 yuan, up 21.16 percent year-on-year. Among them, the revenue in the second quarter was 363 million yuan, up 3.95% year on year, and the net profit attributable to the mother was 67 million yuan, up 7.08% year on year. According to the total data of Aowei cloud network, the retail sales scale of integrated stove industry in the first half of 2022 was 12.4 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth of 9.6%. The revenue growth rate of Etian Smart 2022H1 was 21.81%, leading the industry by a large margin. Even though revenue growth slowed down in the second quarter due to the impact of the epidemic, it still achieved positive growth against the trend.

From the perspective of different channels, the 2022H1 Yitian intelligent e-commerce channel maintained rapid growth, with a year-on-year increase of 56% in sales amount, among which the growth rate of JD and Tmall platform revenue was 49% and 68% respectively; In terms of home decoration channels, Etian intelligent cooperated with home decoration leading enterprises and head customization enterprises to carry out in-depth cooperation, and the new cooperative decoration enterprises reached 1200; Etian smart offline distribution continues to deepen, increase investment efforts, and actively improve the layout of engineering and sinking channel, sinking channel outlets and dealer stores in total more than 4300.

In addition, the report explains the performance drivers of Eida Smart 2022H1. While improving existing technologies, the company continues to tackle core technologies, improve product layout, and adapt to diversified market needs.

The company takes root in the field of kitchen appliance manufacturing. By virtue of the resource advantages of the research institute and other platforms and the strength of the strong research and development team, the company closely links all links from research and development to the market. Aiming at breaking through the problem of stuck points, the company improves the feasibility of technology, promotes the technological innovation and achievement transformation in the real sense, and deeply links the underlying logic of intelligent design and human settlement system. Promote category change and accelerate product iteration.

The company actively develops high-end, intelligent, integrated, green and unmanned kitchen electrical products, supplements the product echelon construction, and meets the needs of different user groups and different channels. Relying on the brand and resource advantages, the company enriches the product matrix, gradually develops to the kitchen of multiple categories and the whole scene, opens up incremental markets, and builds new growth drivers.

2. Focus on brand construction and establish the brand image of kitchen electronics

The company innovates the brand concept, revitalifies the brand image, further strengthens the all-channel construction and development, and improves the channel efficiency.

During the reporting period, the company adapted to the changes of The Times and its own development, opened the new brand concept of "Etian integrated technology, better understanding of Chinese kitchen", and promoted the brand upgrade of "Etian" by releasing the brand new VI image, showing the brand new look of science and technology museum, and transforming the image of terminal stores.

In addition to visual image, the company in the space norms, operation norms and other aspects of the development of systematic standards, applied to office, stores, products and other exposure scenes, is committed to shaping science and technology, fashion, professional kitchen electric brand image. Taking after-sales service as an example, the company has steadily promoted the "16th Five-Year" after-sales service standard of Etian service boy, built online intelligent self-service, promoted value-added services, enhanced service value, and extended brand breadth and depth.

At the same time, the company strengthens brand promotion, integrates traditional and emerging media resources, builds a media communication matrix with Internet new media as the core and offline traffic gathering place, creates and outputs valuable content, enhances consumer interaction, accumulates brand potential energy, and builds brand voice.

3. Focus on channel development and deepen channel network layout

The company accelerates the integration of channel resources, promotes the coordinated development and fine operation of all channels, and improves channel efficiency.

The company deeply cultivates distribution channels, actively recruit new students and cultivate excellent students, gives full play to the role of brand promotion association bridge and link, and strengthens the interconnection between the upper and lower levels. By the end of the report, it has more than 1300 dealers, covering 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) in the country; Power e-commerce channels, with a professional team refined operation of multiple online channel system, sales continue to increase, promote the online and offline resonance, both lines into a virtuous cycle; Expand the channels of home decoration, joint home decoration leading enterprises, head customization enterprises to carry out in-depth cooperation, new cooperative decoration enterprises more than 1200; Dig the KA channel deeply and expand the distribution points; Select the best project channels, focusing on high-quality real estate providers; Actively develop new retail business, encrypt service outlets, expand coverage, Jingdong household appliances, Tmall Youpin, Suning Retail Cloud, Five Star Wanzhentong, Gome New retail and other sinking channel outlets settled in and more than 4300 dealer stores, to shake the new market growth.

4. Focus on management optimization, gather talents and release vitality

< P > The company optimizes internal management, deepens system reform, tightly focuses on team construction and releases vitality of talents.

During the reporting period, the company continuously improved, optimized and improved the management system of "research, production, supply and marketing" full value link, standardized the management system, steadily improved the enterprise management and control ability, accelerated the company's management institutionalization, procedure and standardization, implemented the Amoeba operation and management mode, refined the responsibilities of personnel, and released the vitality of the organization. Effectively improve the efficiency of enterprises.

The company attaches great importance to the development of talents. Based on its own situation and development strategy, it cultivates, introduces and uses talents in an all-round way, vigorously cultivates the new generation of forces, improves the systematic training system of the enterprise, perfects the talent evaluation and incentive mechanism, improves the management level of cadres and personnel, improves the professional ability of talents, and sets up a team of high-level young talents. Promote the development of talents and enterprises in the same frequency resonance, shape the development of new advantages. 5. Focus on operation improvement and strengthen risk prevention system.

The company speeds up digital transformation, continuously implements intelligent, information and fine operation, and improves risk prevention measures.

The company vigorously promotes the "cloud with data wisdom" action, deepening the data intelligent drive, to provide reference for business decisions. During the reporting period, the company actively promoted the construction of digital marketing platform, constructed the digital ecology of smart collaborative marketing, strengthened the integrated development of business and finance, opened up the cross-department cooperation path, and improved the internal collaboration ability and tandem ability.

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At the same time, continue to improve the company's internal control system, improve the internal control system, give full play to the audit and supervision function of the audit department, realize the whole process of business project management monitoring, carry out the five key aspects of operating cost reduction work on a regular basis, assist and guide subsidiaries, strengthen the construction of their business target responsibility assessment system, Continuously improve the internal control efficiency, strengthen the risk prevention ability, to provide strong support for the sustainable and healthy development of the company.

Source: Corporate press release
Keywords: Eida Intelligence
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