From subversive creation to continuous innovation, why does Eida continue to lead the steam roast independent circuit?

2022-07-26 15:14 0

/ The Morning News/Guangzhou, July 25, 2022 -- Clayton Christensen, the father of "innovation" and a professor at Harvard Business School, divides innovation into two types in his book The Innovator's Dilemma. One is disruptive innovation, which uses "disruptive" technologies to bring a completely different value proposition to the market; One is continuous innovation, that is, continuous and active investment in new technology research and development based on user demand upgrading.

In the field of smart phones, Apple creates the era of smart phones subversively with excellent industrial design and brand-new interactive logic; Since then, Apple has consolidated its position in the global smartphone market by continuing to innovate.

In the field of integrated kitchen electricity, in 2019, Eida broke the "2+1" mode of the industry with a subversive innovation structure and created a new category of independent integrated cooking stoves for steaming and roasting. In the following four years, Etian has continuously upgraded the product matrix of the independent integrated oven for steaming and roasting with continuous and pushing innovation, continuously strengthened the cognition of "independent integrated oven for steaming and roasting = Etian", and created the sales myth that "out of every 10 sets of independent integrated oven for steaming and roasting, 7 are from Etian".

Do not follow the wind, dare to create wind, Eida subversion to create independent category of steaming and roasting

from the stove cabinet, smoke stove, to smoke stove steaming, smoke stove roasting, smoke stove steaming and frying...... Under the tide of consumption upgrading, the tuyere of the integrated stove is constantly switched.

Facing the tuyere, many people believe that "standing on the tuyere pigs can fly". Therefore, in 2019, when the signs of steaming and roasting integrated stove tuyere first emerged, many enterprises aimed at this subcategory. In contrast, Eida has a more firm strategic focus. Instead of chasing the wind and waiting for the wind, it chooses to create its own wind -- creating a new category of independent integrated oven for steaming and roasting.

Of course, "wind" is not to destroy the old, not out of thin air, but Eida in the integrated stove industry for many years.

With a forward-looking insight into consumers' demands for upgrading steaming and baking experience and cooking efficiency, Etian established the product concept of "independent steaming and baking" as early as 2017. At the same time, with its consistent high R&D investment, Etian has successively brought subversive lower fan technology, steaming and baking sub-cavity innovative structure, and high temperature spray heating technology (patent number: ZL 20182 0328343.4), steam pressure retaining system (patent No. : ZL 20182 0022271.0), oven energy-saving insulation structure (patent No. : ZL 2019 2 1538449.8), etc.

Among them, the lower fan technology (patent No. : ZL 2016 2 0855980.8) is the crystallization of 735 days of research and development by Etian and Zhejiang Sci-Tech University. With this technology, the fan system on the back of the integrated stove body is innovatively moved to the bottom, so that the longitudinal space of the front and rear of the stove body is released 12cm, and the space capacity is increased by 15%, which lays a solid foundation for the space division of the independent integrated stove for steaming and roasting.

The innovation structure of steaming and roasting degree divided cavity (patent No. : ZL 2020 2 1313249.5), with the broken design of 48L steaming box +26L oven, the steaming and roasting have independent space, realizing the structure evolution of the integrated stove from single cavity to double cavity. At the same time, the above side is fried by double fire, and the lower side is synchronized steaming and roasting with double cavities, which breaks the old mode of "2+1" in the industry and takes the lead in integrating "2+2", so as to completely solve the problems of synchronous steaming and roasting and long single-line operation time.

2022 is the fourth year of the birth of independent integrated cooking stoves. Under the leadership of Eida, in 2022, many integrated stove brands have flocked to share the cake. During the period of 618 in 2022, the retail sales of steamed and baked independent integrated stoves saw the highest growth, with a year-on-year growth of up to 1046%. Retail sales accounted for 18% of all subcategories of integrated stoves, making it the fastest growing category of integrated stoves.

It can be said that it is the subversive innovation of Eida that promotes the establishment of the sub-category of independent integrated cooking stove for steaming and roasting, and also creates a new outlet with great potential for the industry.

Relevant research data show that the failure rate of new products is between 40% and 90%, depending on different categories, some categories even as high as 90%, even for some new brands that create a brand new category or subdue the category. As many as 47% of market leaders fail.

In short, category creators don't necessarily become category Kings. So, how to continue to lead on the track they have opened up?

The fundamental reason for Apple's success, in addition to subversive creation of smart phone category, is the push innovation around consumer demand, such as visual interaction from iPod turntable to iPhone full touch screen, visual interaction from single camera to double camera and then to three camera.

The reason why Yida has successfully created the category of independent integrated cooking stoves for steaming and roasting, and has been far ahead in sales for four consecutive years, with an absolute leading advantage of occupying 70% of the market share (data source: Monthly retail monitoring data of 12,977 offline home appliance KA stores, home appliance regional chains, department stores and supermarkets from January 1, 2019 to June 30, 2022 of Oviyun Network) is precisely because Eida has never stopped "subverting" itself.

After revolutionizing the category of independent integrated cooking stoves for steaming and baking and successfully detonating the independent market for steaming and baking, Etian entered the continuous innovation iteration based on accurate grasp of consumer demand.

In 2019, Eida broke through the technical barriers again and launched the S8G which adopted the new DC driven smoke control glass to solve the kitchen pain points such as lampblack backfilling and lampblack backfilling. In April 2021, it launched the S8C with the application of black crystal glass mesa, which combines the innovation of appearance level, extreme clean smoke, independent steaming and baking. By the end of 2021, it launched the function king S8A, which is based on steaming and baking and integrated with air frying. In 2022, it will bring the "speech screen dual control" S8M, which integrates the Tmall AliGenie interactive system +6.8 "real color intelligent touch screen, and deeply integrates intelligent technology and kitchen electric technology.

Since the launch of the first steam baking independent integrated cooker S8 in 2019, and the release of the S8M in 2022, Eida has always maintained continuous innovation, constantly bringing new technologies, new highlight moments, and injected new momentum for the steam baking independent integrated cooker.

Through continuous innovation and self-subversion, Etian has gradually formed the matrix of explosive products of independent integrated cooking range, becoming the first enterprise to serialize independent cooking range in the industry of integrated cooking range. According to the data of Aowei Cloud network, from January to June of 2022, in the number of models sold in the offline channels of independent integrated cooking stoves, Etian ranked the first, accounting for 25%.

Conclusion: With the continuous evolution of Etian on the track of independent integrated cooking oven, the innovation "seeds" are constantly planted into the forest, thus forming a benign and sustainable ecosystem, the independent integrated cooking oven is booming now. As the pioneer and leader of independent integrated cooking stove subcategory, Etian may always accompany this tuyere "soaring".

Source: Corporate press release
Keywords: Three trees
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