/ Chaowen Tong/Guangzhou, August 25, 2022 -- The ear and mouth are king of the holy spirit. The emperor who is good at listening to good words, understanding understanding, and running the country in peace is sant. In ancient times, the emperor is called Sant. The top scholars in every field are honored as sant, such as the sant of medicine, the sant of books, the sant of poetry, and so on. A person can be patient to listen to others, not to say evil words, is the beginning of holiness, holy word has always been regarded as the highest judgment of a person's virtue.
As we all know, the older the wine, the better. It takes at least five years for a bottle of Maotai-flavored liquor from production to delivery, including one year for brewing and four years for storage. With the increase of storage years, the taste of the sauce wine will become more mellow. "Hansheng" is the same, Hansheng wine industry, is a family of time precipitation quality, with ingenuity to brew wine enterprises.
According to the Wang family tree, the winery began in the Qing Dynasty Daoguang period, formerly known as the Wang Bakery, in 2000 officially changed its name to Hansheng Wine. From Wang's burning house to Hansheng Wine Industry, the winery has been inherited by the Wang family, which has been the sixth generation. After six generations of inheritance and one hundred years of historical changes, Hansheng Wine has been adhering to the original intention of "inheriting and promoting sauce wine culture", bearing in mind the ancestral instruction of "being a good person and brewing good wine", sticking to the traditional Daqu Kunsha Huisha sauce wine brewing process, brewing authentic Maotai Town Maotai Sauce wine.
Hansheng Winery is located in Maotai Town, the core production area of China sauce wine 7.5 square kilometers. Located at 27° north latitude and 106° east longitude, Maotai Town is surrounded by mountains and canyons on three sides, giving it a unique geographical environment. At the beginning of 1994, wine vessels containing sand pottery large mouth bottles were found in the upper reaches of Maotai Town, which proved that Maotai town had begun to make wine in the Shang and Zhou dynasties. This millennia-old brewing technique, coupled with the unique geographical environment, makes Maotai town become a mecca for sauce wine brewing.Hansheng Wine adheres to the original intention of inheriting and carrying forward the sauce wine culture. It selects the local Hongying Zi glutinous sorghum in Maotai town as the main raw material and combines with the water of Chishui River, which is known as "Beautiful Wine River". It strictly follows the brewing process of 12987, that is, it takes one year as a production cycle, during which it goes through twice feeding, nine times cooking, eight times fermentation and seven times taking wine. Seasonal, hand-brewed and refined. It takes at least five years for a bottle of Hansheng sauce wine from production to delivery, and it has been stored in pottery for at least four years. Its mellow taste and excellent quality have won recognition from society and consumers. In 2015, at the Milan World Expo, "Hansheng Guoxiang Series Liquor" selected by Hansheng Wine Industry outperformed Qunfang and won the gold medal of liquor innovation with its noble quality.
Wine is the heart, before the wine is the man. Hansheng Wine Industry is adhering to the spirit of "making good people, making good wine", to cultivate every Han saint, brewing every drop of Hansheng wine. Mr. Lu Hongliang, the current chief engineer of Hansheng Wine Body Design, is not only a bartender and wine taster, but also a disciple of Li Xingfa, the father of sauce wine. Mr. Lu Hongliang said that making wine is like being a human being. If a person has a kind personality, the wine he makes will be mellow and mellow. Every Han sage grew up under the influence of such culture, and also with such culture to brew the Han sage sauce wine. Hansheng sauce wine is the precipitation of time, the cohesion of people, but also the inheritance of sauce wine culture.
< /p>The way of wine, is also the way of life, Hansheng wine industry to "focus on integrity, focus on quality, focus on technology, focus on public praise" for the purpose of the enterprise, is committed to do a "history, heritage, ingenuity, responsibility, emotion" sauce wine enterprise, heritage of traditional brewing process, a lifetime of carefully brewed a altar of wine, Spread and carry forward the high-quality Chinese sauce wine culture to the world, so that more liquor lovers know the flavor of sauce, enjoy the Han Sheng.