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2024-07-02 17:43 0

/PRZWT/July 2, 2024, Jiangsu - The pharmaceutical industry affects people's livelihood and well-being at the same time as economic development. The development of new quality productivity provides a key driving force and an important breakthrough point for the high-quality development of our country's pharmaceutical industry and the acceleration of modernization. At present, the development of new quality productivity has become the development consensus of the pharmaceutical industry.

How to seize the opportunity, Yangzijiang Pharmaceutical Group is making continuous and powerful explorations on the road of innovation and development.

Building a digital manufacturing system

The "digital brain" methodically directs the automatic operation of production processes such as washing, drying, filling, and sealing. The robotic arm can move freely in the production workshop, and a series of actions such as packing, palletizing, and warehousing are carried out efficiently and accurately in one go... Entering the production workshop of Yangzijiang Pharmaceutical Group, there is a strong momentum for the development of new productivity everywhere.

At present, digital transformation has become the only way for the development of traditional manufacturing enterprises. The "14th Five-Year Plan" for the Development of the Digital Economy points out that the rapid development of the digital economy, the wide range of radiation and the depth of influence are unprecedented. It is driving profound changes in production methods, lifestyles and governance methods. It has become a key force for restructuring global factor resources, reshaping the global economic structure and changing the global competition landscape.

"For our group, an important part of developing new productivity is to continue to promote the'smart transformation of numbers', activate the huge potential of the manufacturing'ballast stone ', and comprehensively build and improve its own digital manufacturing system." Xu Haoyu, party secretary, chairperson and general manager of Yangzijiang Pharmaceutical Group, said that through the application of advanced technologies such as digitalization, intelligence and networking, we must accelerate the completion of shortcomings and weaknesses, achieve lean production, and double improve quality and efficiency.

Since 2023, Jiangsu Longfengtang Traditional Chinese Medicine Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Yangzijiang Pharmaceutical Group, has become the first enterprise in Jiangsu Province to pass the acceptance of the National Standards Committee's "National High-tech Industry Standardization Pilot for Intelligent Manufacturing of Traditional Chinese Medicine Process"; its subsidiary Guangzhou Hairui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. uses intelligent methods to achieve timely visibility of inventory data and accurate regulation of the storage environment, and was selected as the National Intelligent Manufacturing Excellent Scenario.

The production line has built a digital "quality management cockpit" through the pilot, enriched the "smart brain", standardized standard operations, visual control, automated production, refined management, saved operating costs, and continuously realized the optimization and upgrade of the production process...

At the same time, Yangzijiang Pharmaceutical Group is actively benchmarking international advanced standards, accelerating the international certification of production quality systems such as pharmaceutical production quality management practices (GMP), and actively building and upgrading intelligent production workshops that meet international quality standards. At present, Yangzijiang Pharmaceutical Group has 5 workshops, 7 preparations and 1 extract that have passed the European Union GMP certification, and 2 workshops, 1 API and 1 preparation have passed the Australian TGA GMP certification, laying the foundation for opening up more new fields and new tracks.

Strengthen the leading role of innovation

At present, global scientific and technological innovation has entered an unprecedented intensive period of activity, and a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation based on digital economy, artificial intelligence, biomedicine, quantum information, clean energy and other technologies is in the ascendant.

To develop new quality productivity, where does "new" come from? "For our group, the first priority is to strengthen innovation leadership," Xu Haoyu said. Yangzijiang Pharmaceutical Group has won the second prize of three national science and technology progress awards, built four national-level R & D innovation platforms, and five Chinese herbal medicine standards have been entered into the European Pharmacopoeia.

By strengthening key core technologies, building advanced technology platforms, attracting high-end talents at home and abroad, and building a flexible and agile supply chain system, Yangzijiang Pharmaceutical Group continuously gathers and optimizes the innovative allocation of technology, finance, talent, data and other elements, enhances the "endogenous force" of the integration of the industrial chain, innovation chain, capital chain and talent chain, and strives to develop products that not only follow market laws, but also meet health needs.

In 2023, two chemical small molecule innovative drugs of Yangzijiang Pharmaceutical Group completed the application for production, and 27 generic drug varieties were successfully approved; the "National Key Laboratory of High-end Preparations to Overcome Drug Delivery Barrier" jointly restructured with Fudan University was put into operation, and it accelerated the joint training of global talents needed to support innovation with university institutes; It hosted the 2023 Biomedical Supply Chain Conference (Hexi Forum), China (Fuding) Gardenia Health Industry Development Conference, China (Guyang) Organic Astragalus Industry Promotion Summit and other conferences to connect the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain; the Yangzijiang (Shanghai) High-end Biomedical Industrial Park project, which brings together pharmaceutical R & D and academic exchange functions, is progressing smoothly... Continuous accumulation and innovation have allowed Yangzijiang Pharmaceutical Group to press the "acceleration key" for high-quality development. This year, the Yangtze River Delta Health Industry Base in Suzhou, Jiangsu officially started construction. This move aims to actively respond to the integration of the Yangtze River Delta and the development requirements of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and inject new vitality into the vigorous development of the regional health industry.

Create a new engine for green development

Today, strolling through the production park of Yangzijiang Pharmaceutical Group, surrounded by green trees, connected by lakes, and the fresh air is filled with the unique aroma of freshly mowed lawns. In Jiangsu Longfengtang Traditional Chinese Medicine Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Yangzijiang Pharmaceutical Group, a group of egrets spontaneously chose to recuperate here. They were in twos and threes, leisurely, adding a sense of tranquility and harmony to the park.

For a long time, Yangzijiang Pharmaceutical Group has attached great importance to green development, led by the "double carbon" work, continued to strengthen the transformation and application of green and low-carbon technologies, and strived to improve the "green content" of high-quality development.

In 2023, Yangzijiang Pharmaceutical Group coordinated to promote carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion and growth, and continued to seek new changes in plant intensification, harmless raw materials, clean production and purification, and low-carbon energy, and integrated the concept of green development into high-quality development. The photovoltaic clean new energy project launched by the group is expected to generate 31.974 million degrees of electricity in the first year and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 318,800 tons; its Jiangsu Coast Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has successively built and implemented a series of green and efficient transformation projects. The exhaust gas emission index is better than the international advanced level and won the MIIT 2023 Green Factory; its subordinate Jiangsu Haici Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has significantly improved the sewage treatment effect, index stability and economy by transforming and upgrading the traditional sewage system.

"The precondition for Yangzijiang Pharmaceutical Group to cultivate and develop new productivity is to conform to the new development concept of'innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing '," said the head of the ESG department of Yangzijiang Pharmaceutical Group.

In the future, Yangzijiang Pharmaceutical Group will focus on the development of new productivity, highlight innovation, grasp the key, adhere to ecological priority, low-carbon development, and strive to make new achievements, expand broader development space, and make more new contributions to protecting people's health and promoting the development of our country's pharmaceutical industry.

Source: Corporate press release
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