Shanghai Mobile has been awarded the outstanding performance of MIIT Mobile Network Quality Evaluation for three consecutive years

2024-06-12 15:23 0
/PRZWT/June 12, 2024 Beijing - On June 6, the 3rd Mobile Network High Quality Development Forum was held in Beijing. The conference held the "2023 National Key Regional Mobile Network Quality Evaluation Field Road Test Results Release" and "2024 High-speed Rail Scenario Network Quality Evaluation Results Release". Shanghai Mobile won the highest honor for the comprehensive quality of the super/super city network in the 2023 national mobile network quality evaluation. The road scene and the high-speed rail station scene were both rated above 99.8, and they were ranked first in the country with close to full marks. In the high-speed rail line quality evaluation, all indicators involving lines were ranked at the top. It is worth mentioning that Shanghai Mobile is the only provincial-level operator to have won the highest honor for three consecutive years since the national mobile network quality evaluation was launched in 2021, which fully reflects Shanghai Mobile's outstanding network capabilities and its enterprising spirit of continuous breakthrough.

As one of the 5G advanced cities in the country, Shanghai Mobile continues to make efforts in network construction and optimization, and continuously solidifies the digital base. On the basis of obtaining outstanding operators for two consecutive years, it further develops and innovates, and continues to build high-quality networks for user perception and industry applications. In terms of technology, it took the lead in introducing 5G-A capabilities, and used "2.6G 160M + 4.9G 100M" three-carrier continuous networking on major roads and key scenarios in urban areas, successfully building a 5G-A network with a scale of 1,000 stations. In the scenario, based on the needs of people's livelihood, in response to the call for action of the "signal upgrade" special project, the focus is on in-depth coverage construction and network capacity improvement in subways, hospitals, transportation hubs, universities, scenic spots and other people's livelihood scenarios. Among them, the subway scenario pioneered the "four-cable mixed cable + EM small station" network construction method, and the transportation hub scenario applied "2.6G + 4.9G" multi-mode equipment for the first time, all of which realized excellent perception experience in the super-flow scenario. In the industry, Shanghai Mobile further expanded the application range of 5G network, and carried out in-depth cooperation with industry leaders in the fields of subway private network, sea area coverage, low-altitude coverage, vehicle to everything, etc., and empowered thousands of industries through 5G digital transformation.
Source: Corporate press release
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