Love does not isolate the monster charge donated 5,000 love packages for epidemic prevention workers

2022-08-23 13:55 0

/ Daily News/Guangzhou, August 23, 2022 -- In recent days, workers involved in the prevention and control of the epidemic in Shanghai have stuck to their posts and fought on the "epidemic" line despite the scorching heat. The local company, Monster Charging, took active action to show its corporate responsibility. It donated 5,000 love epidemic prevention gift packages to the Red Cross Society of Changning District, Shanghai, for the purpose of visiting the medical workers and volunteers of Changning District Health Committee who participated in the anti-epidemic work and paying tribute to the epidemic prevention workers on the front line.

The epidemic situation in Shanghai in the first half of this year has touched many people's hearts. As a technology company born and bred in Shanghai, Monster Charging has been closely monitoring the progress of the epidemic and the needs of its users. As early as during the lockdown period, Monster Charging set up a volunteer assistance team to meet the needs of the epidemic prevention and control front line, donated hundreds of medical protective suits to the front line, prepared thousands of charging banks and more than 100 charging cabinets to help a number of makeshift hospitals in Changning District, and launched a "99 days of free use" activity in the hospitals, providing emergency power for medical staff and patients in the makeshift hospitals.

After learning about the inconvenience caused to epidemic prevention workers by the hot weather at the turn of summer and autumn and the prolonged battery consumption of mobile phones, Monster Charging actively contacted the Red Cross Society of Changning District and donated 5,000 love epidemic prevention packages, including 1,145 sets of mobile charging banks and 3,855 sets of charging cables and charging heads. A hand-held electric fan is also included in each package to help keep the workers cool despite the high temperature.

It is understood that the whole process of all donated goods, from production, quality detection, packaging, sorting, transportation and storage, is supervised and strictly controlled by Monster Charging layer upon layer, to ensure that the quality of products is safe and reliable enough, and can be sent to the epidemic prevention front line more quickly. "Monster Charge is committed to the mission of 'making life full of electricity'," said an official of Monster Charge. "We hope these materials will help epidemic prevention workers to better carry out their work." Not only in Shanghai, since last year, in the face of the sporadic outbreak of the novel coronavirus, Monster Charging has repeatedly come to the aid of epidemic prevention stations in Guangzhou, Nanjing and other cities, helping local epidemic prevention and control work by setting up special free charging service stations for frontline epidemic prevention workers.

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"Epidemic" from peer, love is not isolated. Monster Charge will continue to practice its social responsibility and responsibility with practical actions, contribute to epidemic prevention and control as always, and work together with all sectors of society to protect the city and go all out to win the epidemic prevention and control campaign as soon as possible.

Source: Corporate press release
Keywords: Monster charge
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