Love does not isolate the Monster charge donated 5,000 love packages for epidemic prevention workers

/ Morning News/Guangzhou, August 23, 2022 -- In recent days, workers engaged in epidemic prevention and control in Shanghai have stuck to their posts and fought on the "epidemic" line despite the scorching heat. The local Huji Monster Charge took active actions to demonstrate its corporate responsibility and donated 5,000 pieces of love to the Red Cross Society of Changning District in Shanghai

2022-08-23 13:55 404

Layout of the whole scene, circle fans generation Z Monster charging business layout expansion

Guangzhou, June 27, 2022 -- Monster Charging recently released its Q1 financial report for 2022. The financial report shows that the user scale and point scale of Monster Charging in 2022 Q1 keep growing. As of March 31, 2022, Monster Charging has 86 in the country.

2022-06-27 14:49