High quality development, steady beyond, "top students" Shanghai wine sustainable growth road

2022-08-17 17:37 0

/ Aswentong/August 17, 2022 GUANGZHOU - Under the background of consumption upgrading, China's liquor industry is showing a trend of high-end, and liquor companies with brand power and high-end brands are more likely to achieve sustained performance growth. As a new force in the industry, Shanghai Gujiu (securities referred to as Rock Stock) has been focusing on the main business of liquor in recent years, and has launched a number of products with strong differentiation competitiveness covering the middle, high-end and ultra-high-end liquor, constantly expanding the product matrix and business territory of the company, not only achieving sustained growth in performance, but also steadily becoming an innovative force that can not be underestimated.

Dare to innovate and forge competitiveness with differentiation

< P > In recent years, the dividends of market demand and consumption upgrading are basically divided by famous wine enterprises, and the development of small and medium-sized wine enterprises is increasingly under pressure. Industry insiders believe that small and medium-sized enterprises should think deeply from multiple dimensions such as products, brands, markets and models, dare to innovate, dare to break through, to have a future. In the field of liquor out of a unique innovative development road.

Relying on the competitive strategy of differentiation, the advantage of innovation, and the forward-looking courage to actively perceive new demands, Shanghai GUI Wine not only gradually builds high-quality products with authentic origin, excellent quality, good taste and perfect packaging, but also focuses on the brand value proposition that touches people's hearts and hits consumers' pain points. In order to establish a strong relationship with the target consumers on the emotional appeal of interaction, and achieved leapfrog development in performance.

According to the annual report, in 2021, its revenue and profit both achieved rapid growth, of which the revenue reached about 603 million yuan, a year-on-year growth of 656.81%; Net profit attributable to mother was about 61.988,000 yuan, up 671.99% year on year. Its alcohol business contributed 584 million yuan in revenue, up 893.24 percent year on year, accounting for about 97 percent of the total revenue. And this bright performance is not a "flash in the pan", the growth momentum is still continuing, in the first quarter of 2022 the company continued the previous high growth, operating revenue increased by 161.05% year-on-year.

Analysts pointed out that thanks to the good development trend of Shanghai GUI Wine, many of its brands are developing well, and it is expected to achieve stable growth in 2022, with strong brand fundamentals.

Keep up with The Times and provide consumers with the ultimate experience

< P > With the continuous improvement of people's living standards and upgrading of consumption patterns, consumption habits dominated by products in the past are shifting to service-oriented consumption. In this environment, experiential consumption economy is gradually being chased by the market. "In the experience economy, consumers not only buy products and services, but also want more and better experiences. Once the relationship is established, more business opportunities will be created." Some people in the industry commented like this.

As one of the oldest and most innovative industries, liquor industry is also exploring experiential consumption mode to increase users' immersion feeling and enhance brand value loyalty. Judging from the development process of Shanghai GUI Wine, it is transforming from a follower of liquor industry to an industry creator under the experience economy.

"No scene, no identification, no identification, no consumption. As a new product under the experience economy, the underlying logic of Shanghai GUI wine is to create value through matrix product type, intensive cultivation and extreme experience, to match consumers' constantly upgrading consumption demand, and to meet their yearning for a better life." This is a quote from a recent interview, and it is the best footnote to the company's customer value strategy.

Since the beginning of this year, Shanghai wine has been creating quality experience with consumers as the center, and has been widely praised in and outside the industry. With the theme of "Rare Choice, Define the future", the immersive experience exhibition of Shanghai Noble Wine · International Edition has become an excellent example of the ultimate experience of the liquor industry. Through six sense immersion, multi-angle creation of feeling touch points, create multiple feast of sense, thought and value, and deepen the image of ultra-high-end international brand. Jundao wine, which refers to the high-end sauce wine market, directly talks with the industry elites, takes the circle event as the entry point of brand education, quickly establishes the reputation and loyalty among high-end consumer groups, and wins the recognition and favor of high-end consumer groups with its profound cultural connotation and quality strength.

In addition, through a series of offline tasting activities, such as "Excellent Feast", "One city always brews sauce heart" and "Great excellent merchant", the outstanding student brand Gao Jiang integrates the cultural charm of different places with the brand essence of outstanding student, and enters into the business drinking scene of middle and high-end consumer groups. The "Three Feasts of Ingenuity" created by your wine makers with great effort has also been started in different parts of the country. Standardized activity process and immersive tasting allow consumers and distributors to enjoy more quality experience while tasting sauce wine. Other sub-brands also continue to attack in their own advantageous areas, in the subdivision of the track to capture territory, release enterprising.

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It is generally believed in the industry that the next ten years of liquor is the ten years of Maotai-flavor liquor, and also the ten years in which experiential consumption economy is accepted, sought after and relied on. Shanghai GUI Wine redefines baijiu, so that consumers' demand for baijiu goes beyond taste and body to emotional level, social level and even self-value enhancement level, making Shanghai GUI wine become a new rigid demand for high-quality life, and will gain more loyal fans in the future.

Source: Corporate press release
Keywords: Shanghai GUI Wine
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