/ The Morning News/Guangzhou, Aug 01, 2022 -- As women want to own a luxury bag, the Chinese Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and I believe many men are having the same difficulty as me. I want to give my girlfriend a famous brand bag for expression, but I am persuaded to return it by the high price. The classic style even has a price and no goods. I see some people suggest buying second-hand bags, but I feel that the quality is not guaranteed, and I am more afraid of buying fake bags. By accident, I learned about the millions of subsidies on the global home selection platform, and the flash sale of 120 luxury brand bags. Not only did the promise of fidelity pay three for one, but also brought the super discount of 1.2 for the whole audience. One thousand yuan can buy 90% of the new world famous brand bags. Tanabata, is really for me to solve the big problem of gift giving.
It is reported that at 12:30 on July 31, the global Home Selection will open a Qixi limited luxury bag shopping live broadcast, gathering DIOR, GUCCI, PRADA, FENDI and other 12 famous international brands products, with a discount of 1.2 percent, to repay the global home users have been support.
Official subsidy of one million yuan, three for authenticity.
< P > Global home selection platform evaluates the value of goods from a multi-dimensional perspective according to the big data transaction analysis of second-hand luxury goods, providing consumers with a more reasonable and affordable price range. Besides, we purchase goods through high-quality channels from all over the world, such as obtaining high-quality babies through auction channels, master the upstream of supply chain, filter the intermediate circulation links, and realize the linear connection with customers.
In order to ensure the genuine products, the platform also promises to pay three fake one compensation, in the process of buying to sell the whole process of supervision, using the first identification after delivery platform quality control mode, identification will be issued to the buyer.
China inspection straight hair quality assurance, professional maintenance boutique present b>
It is worth mentioning that the global home selection platform for the identification of goods has a perfect procedure, the source of goods will be sent to the Chinese inspection agency for multiple identification by the Chinese inspection straight hair, and provide the source code to view the complete identification report. Before delivery, it will also be sent to professional luxury washing institutions for maintenance, thus presenting almost new quality. Comprehensive and perfect identification process not only represents the professional selection of global home, but also gives consumers a quality purchase experience.
120 world famous bags, 1.2 discount all time B >
In the global home selection preparation of 2 hours of live streaming, not only gathered 120 global high-end middle luxury bags, discount is hard to break, the price is as low as 1.2 discount. For example, Dior's Beehive bucket bag, which was originally priced at 20,400 yuan, was only priced at 2,400 yuan in a live broadcast on the global Home Selection platform, while Prada's nylon Tote collection only started at 2,000 yuan. In the face of such a strong offer, many consumers are full of expectations for this live broadcast.
< /p>Global home choice focus on product quality, bring preferential benefits for the majority of consumers, buy high quality at a low price, for Tanabata power romantic atmosphere. At 12:30 on July 31st, let's lock the global home broadcast room together, enjoy the charm of this gathering of high-end luxury bags around the world, enjoy the strong attack of preferential welfare, send romance and heart to her heart.