By Xuesong, reporter of Zhongtong Observation
Shenzhou-11 spacecraft is still traveling in space. In order to master the strategic task of space rendezvous and docking technology, every link involved in the spacecraft must not be neglected. In particular, Jing Haipeng and Chen Dong, two astronauts, they have to eat, walk, sleep, and even complete a series of very complex experiments, every detail depends on the technical support in line with space standards, space itself is not like the gravity of the earth to create dust.
"You include the diapers now used by children, not afraid of your jokes, we are now going up to use, we call the urine collection device. Because astronauts wear pressure suits, urinate and defecate inconvenient." Astronaut Jing Haipeng mentioned in an interview before.
And the astronaut used urine collection device provider is our local enterprise - Rhine Shares.
The silent techie
It's so energetic, it's only been dug up now with the launch of Shenzhou-11. Yin is an old driver in the diaper industry, but the manufacturing of sanitary products to meet aerospace standards, the industry is not a shock.
Yin Yin Technology center director CAI Yuanyu told reporters, "Astronauts use health products, and the ground has three main differences:
1. Space is not like the ground, people can go to the hospital when they are sick, which requires the sanitary conditions of sanitary products are very good, and the antibacterial effect is very good;
2. The astronaut must wear a space suit after the spacecraft is launched to orbit and stable, as well as during the long time of activities outside the space capsule, which requires him to use a large amount of hygiene products and absorption speed is super fast;
3. Weightlessness requires very high leak-proof performance of sanitary products, so we adopt a more airtight and proper design.
In addition to the outstanding antibacterial, absorptive ability and leakage prevention ability, the reporter learned that Yin for the astronauts to provide health products also added special materials with super ability in addition to taste.
"At the very beginning, we have carried out technical cooperation with Donghua University, a famous textile college in China. During the long-term development of aerospace health products, we have invested a lot of R&D and innovation activities in scientific research in order to meet the ever-improving performance requirements of the national aerospace department." Xie Xijia introduced.
Our taikonauts flew into space for the fifth time wearing the hygiene products developed by Rhine. This alone is enough to show the technological research and development strength of Rhine. In fact, Rhine has been focusing on the research and development of diapers for many years, focusing on the strength of property rights, pay attention to scientific and technological progress, technological improvement and the construction of scientific research team. Up to now, Rhine has more than 20 advanced production lines for baby and adult diapers and tablets, which is a national high-tech enterprise with a large scale of production.
The "civil" opportunity of "aerospace use"
Rhine has a strong technical strength, but for a long time in the past, the sound of little, seems to have been waiting for a mature market environment.
Rhine is an old diaper brand with a certain scale in mainland China, and its sales revenue ranks among the top 5 domestic brands. However, Rhine has never launched baby diapers using special aerospace materials before.
But this company has been working hard in this industry for a long time, quietly doing technology reserve, research and development and upstream raw material communication. Now, the consumption power of Chinese consumers has improved, and the opportunity of high-end transformation of Rhine products has come.
With overseas shopping, studying abroad and global travel, foreign brands are "upgrading" the Chinese market. Under the circumstances, even Kao is moving its best production lines to China, and Procter & Gamble is launching the Purple Bang in the mainland. "The market environment has changed, and Rhine's previously low-priced products can no longer meet consumers' quality needs. It's time to go medium-high-end." Rhine Aerospace series diaper sales director Wu Jiannan said.
In the face of the general trend of consumption upgrading, Yin began to release their own technology accumulation, chasing this tide. "We apply these aerospace hygiene materials and production technology to our newly developed high-end civil products, so that ordinary consumers can also experience hygiene products produced with aerospace technology." Rhine shares general manager Xie Xijia said. "It's an important direction for the company."
As we all know, one of the major gaps between China's manufacturing industry and developed countries is materials. But the special carbon cloth materials used as astronauts' hygiene supplies are entirely made in China, and "the core functional materials are domestically produced." CAI told reporters that Yin has been working with Donghua University to develop hygiene products that meet space standards. Donghua University, formerly known as China Textile College, has first-class non-woven fabric research and development technology.
One wonders how adding aerospace materials to baby diapers compares to regular diapers.
CAI said, Rhine aerospace series diapers in absorbability, deodorization, softness and other aspects are quite outstanding.
It is understood that with the emergence of core structure diapers, dry, non-reseepage has long become the basic standard of diapers, soft comfort is an important indicator to measure high-end diapers.
Brands seem to be neck-and-neck in the race for this metric. As far as Rhine Aerospace series diapers are concerned, their fit, leak-proof edge attachment, flexibility and scalability are beyond other brands.
CAI told reporters: "It is not the best material as you think it is good. What is good? Appropriate is good. A material may be good enough in performance, but not feel good. Consumer preferences are very different."
The technical difficulties of diapers in the eyes of scientific research institutions and enterprises are different. For enterprises, the product is oriented to the market rather than the testing instrument, whether it is the concept, material selection, structural design and manufacturing process, need to be carefully considered, and finally clever unification.
"For example, Rhineland is working on a raw material for diapers that is less allergenic and less likely to cause red butts." CAI said. Now many diapers are made of materials that are easy to make children allergic, but they will be desensitized after wearing for a long time, and the allergy problem has not been completely solved. Rhine is cooperating with Donghua University, Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen Southern Institute of Space Science and Technology and other well-known scientific research institutions in China to seek new breakthroughs in technology and process.
Slow and steady
Baby channel as an important channel growth point, how will Rhine attract baby channel cooperation?
Wu Jiannan, sales director of Rhine Aerospace Diaper Series, said:
1. Reasonable profit.
For aerospace series products, Rhine will comprehensively consider manufacturing cost, product packaging, brand operation investment, competitive brand price, target consumers' purchasing power, and even consumers' satisfaction with products, and give full consideration to the profit demand of maternal and child channels in pricing, so as to ensure reasonable profits of baby stores.
2. Branding operation.
Through the operation of branding, Rhine expects to achieve profit growth with the growth of the brand through the baby channel under unified management.
In terms of promotion means, Yin decisively gave up the way of sending the corresponding kind of diapers, but to give consumers some personalized services.
3. Team services.
Rhine will work with agents to serve the entire network, while Rhine is responsible for serving the entire terminal. In terms of consumer education, Rhine will make great efforts to increase consumers' recognition of the brand through blind test experiments and free product trials.
In the past, Rhine has been very low-key in terms of brand planning and branding. In the short term, Ms Wu says, Rhine will not focus too much on TV advertising to increase awareness of its brand and is instead looking for ways to differentiate itself, such as combining event marketing with offline sales.
Work of the Rhine is no longer low-key, the situation, strength.