Chemists unravel reaction mechanism for clean energy catalyst

/PRCWT/Guangzhou, May 16, 2023——Hydrogen, the simplest element on Earth, is a clean fuel that could

2023-05-16 09:54 1

Breaking the barrier: Low-temp ammonia synthesis with iron catalysts and barium hydride

/PRCWT/Guangzhou, April 3, 2023——The Haber-Bosch (HB) process is one of the most important industria

2023-04-03 09:29 10

Nanoripples in graphene can make it a strong catalyst

/PRCWT/Guangzhou, March 15, 2023——A team of researchers led by Prof. Andre Geim from the National Gr

2023-03-15 09:23 1

Customizing catalysts for solid-state reactions

/PRCWT/Guangzhou, March 10, 2023——Chemists at Hokkaido University and the Institute for Chemical Rea

2023-03-10 17:45

Developing a catalyst that purifies herbicide-tainted water and produces hydrogen

/PRCWT/Guangzhou, March 3, 2023——Researchers in the Oregon State University College of Science have

2023-03-03 10:08

A newly developed catalyst makes single-use plastics easier to upcycle, recycle and biodegrade

Researchers created a new catalyst that transforms hydrocarbons into chemicals and materials that ar

2023-02-21 14:22 1

Guangzhou Chiba Hymatic Simac medium pressure photocatalyst sterilizer, help private pool strong sterilization

Guangzhou, August 02, 2022 -- In the summer heat, the temperature and humidity of swimming pools are perfect for bacteria and viruses to thrive. Without strict disinfection procedures, there is a high risk of disease transmission. In both public and private pools, the water must be thoroughly disinfected

2022-08-02 18:47 706

As a catalyst for urban renewal, Starpath ranked among the top 10 mid-range hotel brands of the year

Guangzhou, August 02, 2022 -- At the critical moment when China's economic development is transforming from "high speed" to "high quality", urban renewal shoulders the historical mission of revitalizing the current urban space and regenerating cultural memory. Hotels that focus on localized experience serve as "micro landmarks" in the city

2022-08-02 18:42 368