Trumpchi 2024 China and France make a European tour, sprinting to Paris to cheer for the Olympics
/PRZWT/Shanghai, August 8, 2024 - "The world sees Paris, the car sees China" 2024 China-France trip
2024-08-08 16:15
Bawang Tea Ji TEA BAR debuted in Paris, France, opening a new era of oriental tea going overseas
/PRZWT/August 1, 2024 - The Paris sports event ignited global passion, and the Bawang Tea Ji Paris T
2024-08-01 11:51
Carbios va obtenir une aide totale de 54M€ de l’Etat via France 2030 et de la Région Grand-Est1 pour financer la première usine de biorecyclage de PET au monde et accélérer ses travaux de R&D
/PRCWT/Guangzhou, june 1, 2023——Carbios (Euronext Growth Paris : ALCRB), pionnier dans le développem
2023-06-01 10:21 1
Carbios Recognized as a Flagship Start-up in French Green Innovation at the Choose France Summit
/PRCWT/Guangzhou, May 16, 2023——Carbios selected as one of 10 companies representing French innovati
2023-05-16 16:17 1
Haier wisdom and new achievements! TOP1 washing machine in Germany, Italy and France
Guangzhou, July 29, 2022 -- What is the best-selling washing machine brand in Europe? Not a German brand, not a Japanese or Korean brand, but Haier from China. In the year TO May, Haier was the top washing machine maker in the UK and France, according to GfK
2022-07-29 19:14 89
And new power! France's Luffu Group helped Kerillard Hotel expand in China
2020-03-04 11:15 620