Shuai Feng Electric Appliance listed 3 years ago, "high-end home integrated kitchen electricity expert" is how to refine?

2023-10-20 18:47 0

/PRCWT/October 20, 2023 Beijing -- On October 19, 2020, Shuaifeng Electrical Appliances was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, becoming the first A-share main board listed enterprise in the integrated stove industry, promoting the integrated stove industry to A bigger stage and gain higher attention.

On October 19, 2023, Shuaifeng Electric ushered in the 3rd anniversary of listing. "Three" is a special number in Chinese culture. Tao Te Ching explains the law of the development of things with "Tao produces one, life produces two, two produces three, and three produces all things", and regards "three" as the beginning of infinity.

This law has also been verified in Shuai Feng, on the 3rd anniversary of listing, Shuai Feng clear "high-end home integrated kitchen power expert" new brand positioning, around the cooking integration strategy, formed a large pattern covering integrated stove, integrated cooking center, integrated washing center and other diversified products, multiple integration programs parallel, continue to open incremental space.

From providing single products to providing overall kitchen solutions, this leading enterprise in China's kitchen appliance industry, which is based on China's "good culture", is taking steps step by step on the integration road, making steady efforts to promote the blueprint to become a reality.

Three years of evolution, the brand is more youthful

On August 26, Shengzhou Dinghu City Park, a huge and energetic music festival was staged, according to the official introduction of Shengzhou, this is the first large-scale outdoor music festival held in Shengzhou, the "kitchen utensils capital of China", and young music fans from all over the country had a far-reaching impact of passion collision.

It is Shuaifeng Electric that contributed to this collision, and 2023 is not only the third anniversary of Shuaifeng Electric's listing, but also the 25th year of the establishment of the enterprise. 25 years old, Shuai Feng is young, more vitality, but also more responsible.

From signing Haiqing as the image spokesperson, to become one of the earliest companies in the industry to invite endorsement; To implant "Little Joy", sponsor "happy comedy" and other popular film and television comprehensive, play entertainment marketing; Then to dance with CCTV, becoming the first CCTV big country brand enterprise in the integrated stove industry; To create the "Shuaifeng 618· Stove Music Festival", "Shuaifeng first Steamed and Roasted Food Festival", "Listing anniversary" and other popular festivals enabling terminal breakthrough; Even the exclusive title Oxygen BAOBAO Music Festival... Shuaifeng has continued to write new brand breaking passwords for 25 years, seize new positions in brand marketing, and promote science popularization in the integrated kitchen electricity industry.

Under the tide of young consumption, Shuaifeng has in recent years focused on the layout of new media social platforms such as Tiktok and XiaoHongbook, and cooperated with Internet celebrities in various fields such as maternal and child, soft clothing, home, and food to recommend and plant grass for Shuaifeng, leading the cool trend lifestyle, achieving efficient communication with young groups, cultivating the consumption habits of more Generation Z consumers, and embracing the future with the people.

Innovation breaks the game, and the foundation is more solid

If three years ago, Shuaifeng Electrical appliances in the Shanghai Stock Exchange a gong, so that Shengzhou integrated kitchen electric industry belt and the sound of the entire integrated stove industry can be spread across the country. Then three years later, when the kitchen electricity industry entered the stock era, Shuai Feng once again innovated for change, pointing out the direction for the industry to break through.

Since defining "high-end home integrated kitchen power expert", Shuaifeng on the one hand, continue to promote the iteration of integrated stove technology, consolidate the core competitiveness of the main track, on the other hand, Shuaifeng around the integrated cooking center and integrated washing center, to create a diversified growth curve, expand the leading edge of the whole category.

At present, Shengzhou industrial belt is in the key period of transformation and upgrading from "China's kitchenware capital" to "China's integrated smart kitchen industrial base", Shuaifeng Electrical Appliances once again stands on the cusp of The Times with a leading attitude. Shuai Feng has created three modern professional production bases, has the first national recognized laboratory in the integrated stove industry and the industry's leading digital smart factory, and has taken the lead in the industry to use the 32,000 square meters of distributed photovoltaic power plant project, becoming a green energy-saving smart factory, and constantly leading the industrial intelligent manufacturing upgrade.

Up to now, Shuaifeng has 359 patented technologies and participated in 60 standards. In terms of technical performance of core systems such as integrated stove smoke duct system, burner system and steaming oven system, Shuaifeng has independent intellectual property rights and the performance indicators of each system are ahead of the industry, and it has absolute say in technology and standards.

On June 15, 2023, at the China (Shengzhou) integrated Smart Kitchen Industry Development Conference with the theme of "Shengzhou", Shuai Feng was successfully selected as the "first batch of integrated smart kitchen industry pilot enterprises" to help promote the transformation and upgrading of kitchenware industry, explore the development of smart kitchens and promote the building of Shengzhou integrated smart kitchen industry base and high-quality development.

In the selection of Tmall "China Quality Manufacturing" industrial belt, Shuaifeng also underwent strict screening and was successfully selected as Tmall China Quality Manufacturing Shengzhou integrated stove industrial Belt brand, which is located at the top of the pyramid and one of the best domestic brands in a hundred years in the industrial belt stamped by Tmall. At the same time, Shuaifeng also reached a strategic cooperation with Jingdong to further polish the "integrated kitchen · Shengzhou Made" business card and boost the Shengzhou integrated industrial belt to further grow bigger and stronger.

x uses innovation to drive intelligent manufacturing upgrade, and responds to the market with long-term socialism. Now, Shuaifeng has a more solid foundation and more strong momentum, and is taking on the old market demand with strong strength, anchorting high-end track and accelerating horse racing.


In the past 25 years, Shuaifeng Electric Appliances has gradually transformed from a participant in Shengzhou kitchenware industry to a leader in China's integrated kitchen industry, and then become a leader in China's integrated kitchen industry. In the past three years, Shuaifeng Electrical Appliances has outlined the clear outline of the big country brand with the brand positioning and product strategy to keep pace with The Times, and a picture of a better life and a happier family kitchen in the future is appearing.

Source: Corporate press release
Keywords: home electricity
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