/PRCWT/Guangzhou, February 15, 2023——Farlight Games has kicked off its Android-exclusive release of the Farlight 84 global test, with players from all over the world now clear to descend upon the shooter’s arenas and blow each other to pieces in the name of friendly competition.
Farlight 84 comes from Farlight Games, creator of Call of Dragons and Dislyte. The title is the kind of chaotic free-for-all you might expect from the Battle Royale genre, with a few of its own ideas to set it apart from its counterparts.
Cyborgs, Mecha, and Ducks
There is a heavy emphasis on vehicles in the game. There are more conventional sets of wheels, like cars, ATVs, and bikes, but you can do a lot better. Mechs, jetpacks, and hovercraft are absolutely an option, with the heavily-armed spider-like War Crab looking particularly menacing to go up against.
The game has a post-apocalyptic setting, though doesn’t take this as a cue to make something grim or grungy. A lot of the characters are fairly silly, sporting metal orc jaws or duck heads. It’s a pretty colorful and impractical-looking affair, which has charm to it.
Weapons convey different skills, with some able to generate a shield, or use an EMP to sabotage an opponent’s tech. Some just let you blow stuff up, which is a completely respectable tactic.
Welcome Good News In The Genre
It’s not unfair to say that 2023 has not been a great year for online shooters on mobile platforms. We reported on the surprise shutdown of Apex Legends Mobile at the beginning of the month. Despite critical acclaim, the FPS didn’t even make a full year of service before getting canned.
Battlefield Mobile has suffered an even worse fate, with development canceled before the title even saw the light of day.