The first Singapore Chinese Youth Spring Festival Gala was successfully held

2018-02-07 15:41 0

On the evening of February 1, 2018, to celebrate the Chinese New Year and enhance cultural exchanges between Singapore and China, It is organised by the organising committee of Tang Yun Jia Hua International Arts Festival, co-organised by Singapore China Friendship Association, Singapore International Chinese Poetry Festival and Singapore Melody Music & Culture "Belt and Road -- Singapore International Arts Festival and the First Singapore Chinese Youth Spring Festival Gala", co-organized by Studio, was held in Singapore Kallang Theatre to a full house of more than 1,700 people. The Spring Festival Gala lasted for two hours, covering dance, vocal music, instrumental music, recitation, fashion show and other performing arts, presented a total of 18 groups of 23 programs, more than 200 cast members performed together on the stage, rich in content, climax repeatedly, the wonderful performance won warm applause from the audience.


It is a great honor to have Ms. Tang Wenjuan, Chairman of Tang Yun Jiahua International Arts Festival, Charge d 'Affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Singapore, Counselor and Consul General Wang Jiarong, Cultural Counselor Que Xiaohua, President Pan Guoju and Secretary General of Singapore-China Friendship Association, Justice of the Peace Huang Yanhui, and other directors present. To contribute to the cause of people-to-people friendship between Singapore and China to a higher level.

Mr. Wang Jiarong, Counselor and Consul General of the Chinese Embassy, pointed out that cultural exchanges are an important part of Singapore-China relations, and the friendly relations between the two countries need to be actively implemented and realized by everyone present. He also expressed his thanks to the organizing committee of Tang Yun Jiahua International Art Festival for their efforts and contributions to the success of the gala. I wish the friendship between Singapore and China will be better and better in 2018!

The Secretary general of the Singapore-China Friendship Association, Mr. Wong Yanhui, Justice of the Peace, said in his speech that the performance tonight is large in scale and rich in programs. In the future, such activities hope to get more support from everyone, and together contribute to the friendly relations between Singapore and China. May Singapore-China friendship last forever.

Ms. Han Xinyu, president of the Singapore International Chinese Poetry Festival, mentioned in her speech that the historical ties between Singapore and China are thicker than water. The inheritance and exchange of culture and art, in particular, is an important bond that promotes the common development and progress of the two countries.


Before the performance, Ms. Tang Wenjuan, the chairman of the organizer, invited Ms. Han Xinyu and Ms. Wu Yu, the recommenators of the gala, to jointly present the certificate of "Singapore Chinese Culture and Art Exchange Friendly Organization" to the representatives of the participating units, to commend the contribution of the participating units to the enhancement of cultural exchanges and people-to-people friendship between Singapore and China.

The Chinese New Year Gala kicked off in a festive atmosphere with the children's dance "Good Luck Chinese Year" performed by Shakiya Oriental Dance Studio Singapore. Young female singers from Singapore and China sang songs such as "Festive Song", "A Glass of Wine" and "You raise me up" to express their festive mood. The children's recitation "Disciple Rules" carefully presented by the Singapore Foo Lok Art Troupe was well received by the audience. Two classical Chinese instrumental pieces, the pipeggio "New Spring Music" and the "Wild Dance of the Golden Snake", launched the dialogue and exchange of traditional culture and art between the two countries. The "Cardamomniao" dulcimer Chamber Orchestra of the Affiliated Middle School of the China Conservatory of Music led the audience into the music world that combines tradition and modernity. Poetry recitation "poetry of the earth feelings", "Qinyuan spring · snow" deep expression of the reciters of the motherland's great rivers and mountains of praise and love. In the group dance "Mongolian Top Bowl Dance", each dance gesture reveals the strong Mongolian ethnic customs. The Tang costume show "Han and Tang Style Charm" leads the audience to travel through time and space and immerse themselves in the style of ancient Chinese culture. The dance "Thousand-hand Guanyin" is beautiful and stunning. In the evening, the choir of Malaysian Alumni Association in Taiwan was invited to celebrate the coming of the Chinese New Year together with friends from Singapore and China.


Spring Festival Gala performance in Singapore, China two female vocals led, all the cast chorus "Unforgettable Tonight" singing successfully ended. Representative Fang Xinwen, President Tang Wenjuan, President Pan Guoju and other guests took a group photo with the actors.

The whole content of this Spring Festival Gala closely focuses on the display, exchange, integration and innovation of traditional Chinese culture. The organizing committee of Tang Yun Jiahua International Art Festival has always implemented the cultural policy of "One Belt and One Road", providing a communication platform for the majority of young people from New Zealand and China to show themselves. The colorful programs connected the goodwill between the young people and artists of the two countries and vigorously promoted the development of the cause of people-to-people friendship between Singapore and China.

Source: Corporate press release
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