Beijing Jardine Jiaye fully support the charity run, care for pneumoconiosis patients!

Guangzhou, August 01, 2022 -- Recently, with the support of Daai Qingchen, the Volunteer Association of Shanxian County, together with the Shanzhou Brisk Walking Fitness team and the Guocun Tax Bureau of Shanxian County, launched the "World Breathing Day -- Make Your Breath Free" activity. Experience the call by taking part in breathing challenges, hiking, etc

2022-08-01 18:22 75

Care for pneumoconiosis, breathe free! Beijing Jardine Jiaye helps people breathe healthy

Guangzhou, July 27, 2022 -- Ouyanghai Square in Guiyang County was crowded with people in the rain. It was hosted by Beijing Dayai Dust-Clearing pneumoconiosis Service Center, Dayai Dust-Clearing Fund of China Social Assistance Foundation, Chenzhou Huizhong Volunteers Association, Dayai Qingchen Service Station in Hunan -- Guiyang County

2022-07-27 18:04 83