Mail delivery rate is a very important part of successful mail marketing. In the long run, this will not only save you money and time but also increase the amount of reading you do and the conversion effect. Focussend, a domestic intelligent email marketing service provider, always focuses on the target effect of email marketing and tries its best to help customers achieve the best mail delivery rate and open rate. And adjust strategies to remove every obstacle in the way of mail delivery. As for email marketing, what can you do to improve delivery rates yourself? Here are some tips to make sure your email or newsletter gets to the recipient's inbox.
1. Control the frequency of email delivery
Some ISPs limit the number of messages senders can send at any one time. If you send more than the limit, the system marks you as a spammer and blocks all other emails from you. To avoid this, it is recommended that you send emails in batches, with a few minutes between each transfer.
2. HTML is fine, but you must use multiple MIME formats
When sending HTML e-mails, be sure to include a plain text version. The multiple MIME format allows E-mail messages to appear as normal to recipients who cannot view HTML messages. It is important to make sure that the email you send has both a plain text version and an HTML version, and that both versions contain the same content. Note that the proportion of text should be greater than the proportion of HTML or images.
3. Try to avoid diagrams and complex HTML syntax
Spam filters use the amount of HTML syntax as one of the criteria for determining whether an E-mail is spam. If there are too many closed tags, too many pictures or table components in the email, the spam score will go up. And many recipients use mail reader software, such as Outlook, that automatically blocks images. If they don't know the content of the email, they are likely to report it as spam. The complex HTML syntax makes it easy to get very high spam points. With that in mind, we recommend keeping your emails simple and clean. Dazzling backgrounds, tables, Javascript, and web syntax all have no place in emails.
4. Always use the same shipping address
Please keep your sender address consistent. This also means that you need to ensure that the domain name is sent uniformly. Unnecessary domain name changes will only increase unsubscribe. It is worth noting that the name of the sender should not be changed as much as possible. The brand awareness is gradually established, so that the users who have added you to the authentication list can continue to receive your newsletter.
5. Keep an eye out for new subscribers
Keep an eye out for new users and add them to the send column. In addition, to be able to remove all kinds of invalid users in the list in time, do not take into account the number of users and reluctant to delete, to constantly look for valuable users, timely update the send list, to ensure the user's activity.