Asian shoe companies, "the mainland market is more substantial, the European and American markets are saturated"

2014-05-23 10:49 0

   Inscription: The 14th Guangzhou International Footwear Exhibition will be held in Pazhou Poly World Trade Expo, Guangzhou from October 31 to November 2, 2014. Purchasing teams from various countries will be organized to participate in the exhibition to help enterprises sell high-quality and affordable shoes to emerging economies.

"China produces 12 billion pairs of shoes a year, and consumes 4 billion domestically. It is already the world's largest shoe consumer." Taiwan a senior shoe industry person. Growth in China and Southeast Asia is expected, even as the domestic shoemaking industry falters. The organizer of the 14th Guangzhou International Shoe Exhibition - the first exhibition of Finished shoes in Asia, Hong Kong New Exhibition International Exhibition Company and its supporting unit, Guangdong Leather Industry Association, called on Asian shoe companies to participate in the exhibition to explore the mainland market, and revealed that they will organize purchasing teams from Asian countries to participate in the exhibition, to help enterprises sell high-quality and affordable shoes to emerging economies.


All sides are bullish on the growth of China and Southeast Asia. "China's economy will surpass that of the United States by the end of this year, and Macau's gambling revenue was already seven times that of Las Vegas last year," said Chen Yunxiang, managing director of Tandon International LTD. "In the fashion industry, China and Southeast Asia are also creating huge markets driven by Korean TV series and movie stars, rather than relying on the United States and Europe." They are accelerating their presence in both markets. The Hong Kong shoe industry is urging Asian companies to take an active part, rather than focusing on saturated markets in the US and Europe. For more information, please visit

Source:Press release and press release writing agency