Brand giants shine at organic food show in Beijing as battle for market share intensifies

2014-05-07 11:16 0

With the successful holding of the 4th Beijing International Organic Food and Green Food Expo (hereinafter referred to as cioe china), high-end organic food brand products are highly exposed, which sets off a wave of popular pursuit for high-end organic food.

High-end organic food is increasingly entering ordinary people's homes. No matter for giant enterprises or new brands, the high-end organic food market has equal opportunities. In the vast market of China, many brands all hope to get a "share of the pie" and have developed products close to the market. Has become a new competitive trend among organic food companies.

Force high-end market, industry competition upgrades

With the improvement of living standards, people's demand for organic food has been upgraded from "green food" to "organic food".

Hundreds of brands have arrived to seize new heights of the market

According to the results of the latest "National Organic Food Survey", more than 80 percent of consumers expect healthy, high-quality functional organic food, and the high-end organic food market is promising. Yet amid the optimism, high-end organic marketing is not. According to statistics, high-end organic food is rarely sold in the domestic terminal market, with a market share of only about 1%, presenting a "popular but not popular" problem, which is also the blue sea of high-end organic food market in urgent need to overcome.

The main reason why the organic food market presents such a problem is that consumers have a limited awareness of organic food and can not clearly identify organic food. "To build a communication platform for organic food enterprises and consumers, so that consumers know good organic, good food consumption, this is the purpose and goal of Minghua International Organic Food Exhibition for many years." The director of the Beijing International Organic Food Exhibition said, "The popularity of this year's exhibition is a good example. 68,000 professional visitors attended the exhibition, and the on-site transaction rate also increased." This platform built by Minghua International Exhibition not only cultivates high-end consumers, but also enables 600 exhibitors to feel the new trend of market development.

Occupy the market, determine success or failure

Under the guidance of market consumption demand, the organic industry develops to the "upward". In this increasingly fierce competition in the organic food market, the brands "blossom", the multi-angle market, Beijing International Organic Food Exhibition builds the platform, leads the industry planning, develops upward, and builds the industry grand.

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Source:Press release and press release writing agency