A marketing method that will never quit the stage and will not admit lagging behind, a method that does not require high cost investment but has remarkable results, a marketing measure that traditional industries and the new economy do not reject, this is word-of-mouth marketing
Word of mouth, is the most original human marketing advertising. Before the shop, the name, it has existed in reality. But in the enterprise to carry out extensive advertising, intensive commercial bombardment today, word-of-mouth marketing seems to have been forgotten and abandoned by many enterprises, businesses, marketing elites.
The beauty of Media Zero
Compared with the rising advertising costs of radio, television, newspapers and magazines, the cost of word of mouth is the lowest. And the huge amount of money spent on advertising, according to advertisers themselves, 50% of the most successful ads are wasted. More and more fierce market competition atmosphere has created contemporary rational consumers. People have no longer blindly superstitious advertising sweet words, but rational treatment of market consumption. Recently, an authoritative research company surveyed 4,851 ordinary residents aged 18-60 in ten cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Wuhan, Nanjing, Xi 'an, Shenyang, Zhengzhou and Dalian about the oral transmission of new products. According to the survey, 39.5 percent of the respondents often share their experience in buying and using products with others, followed by social issues (50.7 percent), children s education (44.5 percent), and life tips (41.1 percent). Further analysis of the data reveals that: Consumers who frequently exchange their experience in buying and using products not only recommend shopping places (48.7 percent), experience in buying and choosing products (37.6 percent), recommend brands (37.4 percent), exchange price information (34.8 percent), recommend discount promotions (37.8 percent), and introduce new product features to each other. (29.6 percent), "Recommend specific products" (18 percent), and "share experiences of product failures or bad feelings" (25.7 percent).
In the purchase process of air conditioning, health care products, shampoo, house and other products, 53%, 49%, 35% and 32% of consumers will get relevant information about new products through friends' introduction, 35%, 28%, 15% and 18% of consumers trust friends' introduction most.
It is human nature to spread information, and people's high trust in the word of mouth, in the 21st century, this competitive globalization, economic integration of the knowledge economy era, interpersonal communication as the human "zero media", still shows its magic marketing power.
¤Magic one: high success rate to discover potential customers
Experts have found that people are keen to tell others about their experiences or experiences for a variety of reasons, from the taste of the restaurant they just went to, to the performance of their new phone, to whether their new home theater is modern. If the experience or experience is positive and positive, they will enthusiastically and proactively recommend to others to help the company find potential customers. A survey shows that a satisfied customer leads to eight potential sales, of which at least one will be closed; One unhappy customer is enough to influence the purchase intentions of 25 people.
This "user tells user" word-of-mouth influence can be seen. Take air conditioning as an example. In the purchase process, consumers pay more attention to the use effect, after-sales service, price, brand and power consumption and other factors. Among potential users, the information about the use effect, after-sales service, price, brand and power consumption mainly comes from the first-time buyers. Word-of-mouth from first-time buyers is the most reliable form of communication for potential users.
¤Magic number two: Build brand loyalty
A good reputation can win repeat customers and is an important indicator of "product and brand loyalty". Regular customers are not just coming back