Africa (English: Africa), the full name of Africa, is located in the western part of the Eastern Hemisphere, south of Europe, west of Asia, east of the Indian Ocean, west of the Atlantic Ocean, longitudinal cross the equator north and south, an area of about 30.2 million square kilometers (land area), accounting for 20.4% of the global total land area, is the world's second continent, It is also the second most populous continent (about 1.286 billion) [1].
The African continent extends to Cape Hafon (51°24 'e, 10°27 'n) in the east, Cape Agulhas (20°02 'e, 34°51's) in the south, Cape Verde (17°33'W, 14°45 'n) in the west, and Cape Giran (Benceca) in the north (9°50 'e, 37°21 'n).
The plateau area of the African continent is vast. The plateau between 500 meters and 1000 meters above sea level accounts for more than 60% of the area of Africa, so it is called "plateau continent".
Mountains and plateaus with altitudes above 2000 occupy about 5% of Africa. Plains less than 200 meters above sea level are found along the coast and cover less than 10 percent of Africa.
The African continent averages 650 meters above sea level. Africa is one of the cradles of the world's ancient humans and civilizations, with the earliest written records dating back to 4000 BC.
Egypt in northern Africa is one of the birthplaces of world civilization. Since Portugal occupied Ceuta in 1415, European powers began to colonize Africa. From the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, about 95% of African territory was divided by the powers, and resources were plundered for a long time.
After 1947, the colonies became independent one after another, and the Year of African Independence (1960) symbolized the end of the colonial era in Africa as Africa broke away from the rule of foreign powers.