The world's largest advertorial online marketing company, Asweitong, reported a major breakthrough in its advertorial service sales in the Chinese market on Monday, reporting a 128% increase in sales in the first half of the year to more than 100 million yuan.
At present, the news release agency has fully realized the full range of domestic media services, providing corporate users with fast channels for press releases, all-media release of corporate advertorials, network word-of-mouth monitoring system for 24 hours of corporate brand public opinion monitoring, brand online hype and promotion and network advertising agency services.
According to iResearch data, China's network advertorial marketing market share occupies 20% of the entire website advertising market scale, thus, China's network advertorial marketing market share in 2011 will be as high as 5 billion yuan!
By dint of its pioneering of the new market of advertorial publishing platform,, Aswentong (the brand of Aswentong Media) has become the first advertorial publishing and network marketing brand through the rapid development of 6 years. On July 7, Internet Research released the Fifth China Internet Brand Awareness, Consumer Behavior and Satisfaction Survey Report, which revealed the 16 most influential brand awards. Zhaowen (communication agency) won the "most influential" award in the field of advertorial publishing, becoming a worthy first brand in the field of Chinese advertorial. According to the survey report, in the field of advertorial communication, the utilization rate of the service provided by Zhaomun is more than 40%, ranking first in the industry. The corporate usage rate of other brands' communication agencies is less than 20%.