On December 27, the service manual of the 2012 edition of the company revealed that the price system of the whole company will be greatly adjusted next year, the most important of which is the price increase of the press release writing service. According to Chaowen Tong, the current price system cannot adapt to the long-term development of the overall business. In order to improve customer satisfaction, it is necessary to establish its own core writing team, which must increase the service price.
Low price competition cannot be sustained
Founded in 2003, Zhaowen has become the largest publishing company in China after 8 years of development. The trick is low prices. Regardless of advertising release, press release, forum marketing, network marketing, Zhaomitong are committed to the release rate on the basis of the lowest price. Press release writing is extremely cheap. According to the quotation published on the website of Aswen Tong, the writing fee is only 500 yuan per article.
According to a staff member of Zhaomitong, Zhaomitong makes no money at all in the article writing business, and in many cases even loses money. "Now good writers in the industry are 1 yuan 1 word, and as long as the order, whether the customer through or not, have to pay, 500 yuan a price can not last."
Low price and low quality customer satisfaction
Due to the large volume of writing, Zhaomitong has recruited a large number of writers, including senior reporters and editors from some media outlets. But with inflation and rising prices, the original price has been hard to impress veteran writers. The low quality of writers also contributed to lower customer satisfaction.
Miss Zhang, who is in charge of an English training institute, said that Asodong was a good partner for them, which greatly reduced their publicity costs. But now sometimes the quality of the writing is not high, and sometimes it is not good to revise several times. It's very difficult for them.
"The content is more important than the release," Zhang said. "We do media campaigns to impress and influence readers, and to a large extent, that depends on the content. It doesn't matter how much media we publish if the content isn't of high quality!"
The key to manuscript quality is communication
A senior writer of Zhaowen believes that communication is the key to the quality of manuscripts. The content of communication has two points, the first is to understand the customer's industry, enterprise and other information, the second is to pulse the customer needs. Only full communication, in order to produce a good manuscript, and then achieve the purpose of customer publicity. The current situation is that the writer has no contact with the client. What to write is entirely dependent on the writer's own control, information asymmetry leads to whether the manuscript can pass or reach customer satisfaction, completely depends on chance.
Asnewsprint's approach to press release writing is different from PR Newswire's. Pr Newswire is positioned as an intermediary publishing company. It does not contract writing business and does not commit to publishing rate. But this makes the customer a large number of manuscripts good and bad, low media adoption rate. Pr Newswire's response is "training". It regularly finds media professionals and corporate clients to communicate and explain. But of course short training can't bring clients to a professional level. Asomitong is seeing this opportunity, the implementation of press release writing package service. But apparently the price is too low to provide professional writing services. It is inevitable that prices will rise.
Good clients are not afraid to splash out
Intriguingly, the price increases for writing services did not come first from writers, but from informed clients. Customers think that 500 yuan a price can not find a good writer. If the writer's skill is very low, it is inevitable that he will not produce good articles. This will greatly affect the publicity effect.
In order to write a good story, many companies usually pay a huge amount of money to find a "big reporter". Country Garden owner Yang Guoqiang, for example, paid a reporter from Xinhua News Agency 100,000 yuan for a story in the 1990s. Aswen's survey of customers also shows that customers' demand for better writing quality is universal and urgent.
It is based on this trend that Asahi made the decision to improve the quality of its writing and decided to build its own writing team. If the writing service level is improved, there will be a greater competitive advantage. At present, there is no professional writing agency in China. Even PR firms don't have independent writing departments. But it is clearly ready to break new ground once again.